It seems I have almost all but disappeared from the land of SG. I have had so much going on in my life that keeping up on a blog has been nearly impossible. I still post randomly throughout the groups but my blog is really lacking. Guess it is about time for an update.
Work life Recently our other piercer quit so I am working 7 days a week, something I am completely fine with especially because I have managed to get a bit behind on my bills the last few months due to some personal issues. I am expanding my knowledge and will soon be taking on an apprentice. I am really very excited to train someone to pierce people, it is something that I take a lot of pride in and I can only hope the person my boss chooses to hire takes even half as much pride in a job done right as I do. One thing I do not look forward to is attempting to train someone to handle the artists schedules. In my shop the piercer doubles as a counter person/shop bitch for the most part. We handle all appointments, paperwork, cleaning, supplies, etc. Training somoene to take on the day to day activities in this shop might prove to be quite difficult but it is a challenge that in some ways look forward to taking on.
Family My mother recently got married, first and only wedding I have ever cried for. I was her matron of honor, something that really made me feel good. My mother is my best friend in the entire world and seeing her happy with her new husband is the best thing in the world to me.
My little sister Brianna is planning to move to Ames with me this October, I cannot wait, she has so much potential and if she is stuck where she is much longer I am afraid she will never really become what I know she can be.
My older sister had 4 kids, a piece of shit boyfriend that I honestly cannot stand, he pretends to call himself a man yet lives off of a woman that can barely make ends meet on her own. I want to kill this guy. If I have ever called anyone worthless in my life they pale in comparisson to him. I love my sister and want her to be happy but this guy is using her and it is beginning to destroy the bond that her and I once shared.
My little brother is finally out of jail, seems he is actually trying to put his life back together, something I really hope he can pull off, it would be a lot of weight off my mothers shoulders if he could pull his head out of his ass.
Romantic life My other half Brian moved here with me a few months ago, so far it has been one of the best choices of my life, even with our small disputes I go to sleep in the arms of a man I know to love me. I feel terrible for him sometimes though, my past demons have snuck up on me and really come out to question my trust for him a few times, I know that eventually it will all go away but I have such a hard time trusting people anymore that I fear I will push him away because of it.

SG life Cant say I have had much of one for a while now, I have serious doubts about my modeling abilities lately and cannot say for sure if I will be shooting any more sets for SG, I hope that changes soon but for now I am happy enjoying the community that I have come to love so much over my years here.
Being half absent for a while made me miss a few things that I am wickedly happy about, stupid things I dont care to share but things that gave me a small hint of joy when I finally ran across the news.
I am planning a camping trip for the members of SGIowa in August, I couldnt be more excited, one I love camping, two I get to hang out with some of the most kick ass people I know. I cannot wait!!!!
Health Slowly I am falling apart it seems, something I have become quite use to over the last few years, something I choose not to bitch about all that much, but every once in a while it really gets the better of me. Wish me luck and hope that what ails me goes away sometime soon, that is all I can really ask for.
Now for random photos for you all to enjoy in some way or another.

Both of those shot by the amazing Rosaleigh some 6 months ago.

Work life Recently our other piercer quit so I am working 7 days a week, something I am completely fine with especially because I have managed to get a bit behind on my bills the last few months due to some personal issues. I am expanding my knowledge and will soon be taking on an apprentice. I am really very excited to train someone to pierce people, it is something that I take a lot of pride in and I can only hope the person my boss chooses to hire takes even half as much pride in a job done right as I do. One thing I do not look forward to is attempting to train someone to handle the artists schedules. In my shop the piercer doubles as a counter person/shop bitch for the most part. We handle all appointments, paperwork, cleaning, supplies, etc. Training somoene to take on the day to day activities in this shop might prove to be quite difficult but it is a challenge that in some ways look forward to taking on.
Family My mother recently got married, first and only wedding I have ever cried for. I was her matron of honor, something that really made me feel good. My mother is my best friend in the entire world and seeing her happy with her new husband is the best thing in the world to me.
My little sister Brianna is planning to move to Ames with me this October, I cannot wait, she has so much potential and if she is stuck where she is much longer I am afraid she will never really become what I know she can be.
My older sister had 4 kids, a piece of shit boyfriend that I honestly cannot stand, he pretends to call himself a man yet lives off of a woman that can barely make ends meet on her own. I want to kill this guy. If I have ever called anyone worthless in my life they pale in comparisson to him. I love my sister and want her to be happy but this guy is using her and it is beginning to destroy the bond that her and I once shared.
My little brother is finally out of jail, seems he is actually trying to put his life back together, something I really hope he can pull off, it would be a lot of weight off my mothers shoulders if he could pull his head out of his ass.
Romantic life My other half Brian moved here with me a few months ago, so far it has been one of the best choices of my life, even with our small disputes I go to sleep in the arms of a man I know to love me. I feel terrible for him sometimes though, my past demons have snuck up on me and really come out to question my trust for him a few times, I know that eventually it will all go away but I have such a hard time trusting people anymore that I fear I will push him away because of it.

SG life Cant say I have had much of one for a while now, I have serious doubts about my modeling abilities lately and cannot say for sure if I will be shooting any more sets for SG, I hope that changes soon but for now I am happy enjoying the community that I have come to love so much over my years here.
Being half absent for a while made me miss a few things that I am wickedly happy about, stupid things I dont care to share but things that gave me a small hint of joy when I finally ran across the news.
I am planning a camping trip for the members of SGIowa in August, I couldnt be more excited, one I love camping, two I get to hang out with some of the most kick ass people I know. I cannot wait!!!!
Health Slowly I am falling apart it seems, something I have become quite use to over the last few years, something I choose not to bitch about all that much, but every once in a while it really gets the better of me. Wish me luck and hope that what ails me goes away sometime soon, that is all I can really ask for.
Now for random photos for you all to enjoy in some way or another.

Both of those shot by the amazing Rosaleigh some 6 months ago.

No problem lady! haha thanks for being so beautiful, all around. I tend to be mildly shy, but I read a lot of posts on the site, and I think you're just the bees knees 

Hey gorgeous, hope life is being kind to you <3