I added some pics. I have come to the conclusion that every picture I have of myself I am drunk. Not just normal drunk I am talkin 'is this guy metally handicapped?' drunk. For example the pics from me in Austin with Joe and Bunns are freakin wasted pics. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. GEEZ.
That set from Noelle today is so cool. Those blue legs look freakin awesome. I am usually kind of blah about the sets but that one is great.
That set from Noelle today is so cool. Those blue legs look freakin awesome. I am usually kind of blah about the sets but that one is great.
oh and i do so loooove the ardberg.
i went certifiably insane for a day and made your mix a 3-part epic about a space mission that goes horribly wrong, and mankind is forged anew via country music. it fucking rocks. cds are just too easy to burn, you know?