I saw Closer I thought the movie was ok, but the dialogue was so over the top sometimes.
What is the coolest Christmas present that you are buying this year?
I bought a hand made journal for a girl a few months ago and it was the coolest present I have ever given anyone here is a link to the lady that makes them.
If'n Books + Marks
I talked to her about the girl and she made it totally custom it was so nice.
I have been going bonkers over really good hot apple cider recently.
What is the coolest Christmas present that you are buying this year?
I bought a hand made journal for a girl a few months ago and it was the coolest present I have ever given anyone here is a link to the lady that makes them.
If'n Books + Marks
I talked to her about the girl and she made it totally custom it was so nice.
I have been going bonkers over really good hot apple cider recently.
i used to live in sf, then in providence for awhile. dwyer (pink) also lived between those cities, and we had some mutual friends. he's the man of a thousand bands. some good, some not so. i always thought pink and brown was something of a lightning bolt one-off, and that the coachwhips were slightly less than stellar, but fucking burmese makes up for all of it. plus he used to be in landed, which i'm a fan of. i sound like a fucking fanboy.
i'm going to charleston (leave tomorrow morning at 5am). i don't know the geography of the state very well; where's greensville?