Friday: Our band Electric Brown played a house party
Saturday & Sunday: Trip to Austin, watched movies, cooked food, bowled, bought books, music dvd's, & music.
Monday: BBQ party back in Dallas
Sonic Youth "Corporate Ghost" DVD
Mix Tape : The Art of Cassette Culture by Thurston Moore BOOK
The Rock Snob's Dictionary : An Essential Lexicon of Rockological Knowledge by David Kamp, Steven...
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Saturday & Sunday: Trip to Austin, watched movies, cooked food, bowled, bought books, music dvd's, & music.
Monday: BBQ party back in Dallas
Sonic Youth "Corporate Ghost" DVD
Mix Tape : The Art of Cassette Culture by Thurston Moore BOOK
The Rock Snob's Dictionary : An Essential Lexicon of Rockological Knowledge by David Kamp, Steven...
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but buying stuff is good for the soul (and the economy)!!

thanks. it'll be okay i think. at least in a personal way. i doubt the city will ever be the same.
sweet! ROCK on dude!!

Well I have my first show next week with my improv noise rock group Electric Brown.
Aug 12 The Cavern
I have been eating vegan for about 3 weeks just to get my crazy stomach straightened out, and I am really enjoying it. It is nice for a change.
Going to see Pelican tomorrow! YEEEEEAAHHHH
Aug 12 The Cavern
I have been eating vegan for about 3 weeks just to get my crazy stomach straightened out, and I am really enjoying it. It is nice for a change.
Going to see Pelican tomorrow! YEEEEEAAHHHH
I really like Sam Peckinpah Westerns.
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid: F N A
The Wild Bunch: Lt. Herrera is El Guapo and he acts just like El Guapo!
I really like Westerns period. McCabe and Mrs. Miller was great.
technicolor is the best.
What is your favorite Western.
oh and ))<>(( forever
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid: F N A
The Wild Bunch: Lt. Herrera is El Guapo and he acts just like El Guapo!
I really like Westerns period. McCabe and Mrs. Miller was great.
technicolor is the best.
What is your favorite Western.
oh and ))<>(( forever
magnificent seven. but most any technicolor western will do.
Blazing Saddles! Its maybe a stretch

Comets on Fire this week! ROCK AND ROLL DYNAMITE
what did you do for the 4th??

gang gang dance was great! to bad there were only 15 people at the show.
Blood Lines is my new favorite group for about 30 minutes. I swear the singer must inject heroin derectly into his brain. amazingly wacked out of his fucking mind. the three girls in the band are intense. They were all dancing around me during Gang Gang Danced set. I was...
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Blood Lines is my new favorite group for about 30 minutes. I swear the singer must inject heroin derectly into his brain. amazingly wacked out of his fucking mind. the three girls in the band are intense. They were all dancing around me during Gang Gang Danced set. I was...
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baseball and hotdogs...sounds like lots of fun. let me know how it went.

Today is a lake party then Growing and Gang Gang Dance!
Water party and good tunes. it will RULE.
My new band is called Chunky Lohan.
Now I have: Internet Taco's, Fuck Norris, Queefer Sutherland, and good old Orangadang. Oh and Illegal Motion
Water party and good tunes. it will RULE.
My new band is called Chunky Lohan.
Now I have: Internet Taco's, Fuck Norris, Queefer Sutherland, and good old Orangadang. Oh and Illegal Motion

My weiner is fat too. All she does is eat and poop. I swear, she is the most awesome dog ever!
Ranger game, huh? I live walking distance from the stadium...have a beer and some ballpark nachos for me!
Ranger game, huh? I live walking distance from the stadium...have a beer and some ballpark nachos for me!

Which tattoo? Tha Apple?
Boy I have been one lazy suicidegirls member lately. I have been a busy boy. I ran the software company for a month that was some stressful stuff but I learned a bunch and I think I did some really good work.
I saw the new Star wars it was fun. I really wanted to see a bit more black Darth Vader, but that is...
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I saw the new Star wars it was fun. I really wanted to see a bit more black Darth Vader, but that is...
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I am growing grape tomatos. I've got three baby ones! This is great.
that reminds me of the cartoon Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

you can't just challenge anyone to a thumb war, many a good man has gone that way.
nice...check out my super coolio t-shirt that someone special got me for my b-day! its punk...and its PIRATE arrgghhh!

i sooooo want to get the pelican ep!