it's thursday night.
and for the people who dwell in san francisco, it's the beginning of their weekend outings.
me, i'm at home, sipping on a wine, floating around my room.
time for life documentation
2 1 barfday.
i went swimming at a friend's apartment complex up in the scenic hills.
we played with his kitties.
i have an infinity for cats, if you don't know this about me.
my best friends growing up were felines.


after our swim, we lounged.


my love<3

singer's amazing blacked out leg
then we went out for birthday sushi
i keep a vegan diet but at times my body craves fish and it was a special occasion :3

then dessert at cafe gratitude! mmmm.
they sang birthday by the beatles to me haha

and finally out to drinks with some good company<3

dang, my face gets all red when i've been havin some dranks..

t o n i g h t .

kitteh cups!
uhhh so my blog was mainly pictures of cats and food.
g'night deeries!
and for the people who dwell in san francisco, it's the beginning of their weekend outings.
me, i'm at home, sipping on a wine, floating around my room.
time for life documentation
2 1 barfday.
i went swimming at a friend's apartment complex up in the scenic hills.
we played with his kitties.
i have an infinity for cats, if you don't know this about me.
my best friends growing up were felines.


after our swim, we lounged.


my love<3

singer's amazing blacked out leg
then we went out for birthday sushi
i keep a vegan diet but at times my body craves fish and it was a special occasion :3

then dessert at cafe gratitude! mmmm.
they sang birthday by the beatles to me haha

and finally out to drinks with some good company<3

dang, my face gets all red when i've been havin some dranks..

t o n i g h t .

kitteh cups!
uhhh so my blog was mainly pictures of cats and food.
g'night deeries!

Do you know which artist did Singers black work on his leg, are they Indiana based?!