Hrmmm Haven't posted in a few weeks. So lets see updates... I ran an experiment 2 weeks ago I filled out a bunch of job application. Well I bribed my cousin with a free lunch to drive around with me for a few hours. I had him go in a drop off my applications. Some applications were to places i applied to in the past. Well I had 3 calls this for interviews and had 3 interviews. 2 of the calls were from places i had applied before. But since my interviews i haven't had any call backs. How can I prove that they wont hire me because I'm fat outside of me recording them say it? Hell if i had enough money i would go up to New York and join the Occupy movement.
So in attempts to make money I have moved to selling world of warcraft gold. <.< Don't judge it paid for 6 months of car insurance. Oh and Salie Mae is out for blood but meh cant give them what i don't got.
I have also picked up some work lights for a ghetto photo studio. I plan to ask some friends to come over so I can shot portraits I need to get back into things. I don't have photoshop at the moment. Grabbed a few versions but they were not in English like wtf. But I got lightroom 4 working well.
Been thinking alot forward. When ever things with lawyers settle what should i do. I really love Philly and wouldn't mind going back to school there. I always wanted to move out west been a dream for a long time.
I guess time will only tell. Till then bye Sg Land
So in attempts to make money I have moved to selling world of warcraft gold. <.< Don't judge it paid for 6 months of car insurance. Oh and Salie Mae is out for blood but meh cant give them what i don't got.
I have also picked up some work lights for a ghetto photo studio. I plan to ask some friends to come over so I can shot portraits I need to get back into things. I don't have photoshop at the moment. Grabbed a few versions but they were not in English like wtf. But I got lightroom 4 working well.
Been thinking alot forward. When ever things with lawyers settle what should i do. I really love Philly and wouldn't mind going back to school there. I always wanted to move out west been a dream for a long time.
I guess time will only tell. Till then bye Sg Land

good luck buddy. sorry you feel like your being discriminated against.
And where in Vegas does Angela hang out?