Sooooooooooo my trip had some hiccups and what not and i didnt make it out west.
My original plan was to go out to yellowstone but due to snow the north roads were not going to be open when I was plaaning on being there so I am going to try and make it back out around the end of august.
So I will pick up after my last blog.
I went to the race had lots of fun but i was stupid and drank 1 bottle of water and got really dehydrated. I ended up spending an extra day in my hotel just to rehydrate.
I decided to head back home after that I decided to take the turnpikes thru ohio and PA back home. Bad idea. Half way through Ohio a semi truck overturned 3 cars ahead of me one of the scariest moments of my life. I was so spooked i kept driving i should have stopped but that thought was far from m mind.
I got back home in time to see the house my dad had an offer on to see it get its inspection. Well the house is beautiful but do it urself projects put fixing the problems up to much for me an m dad to worry with so we backed out on that house.
Moving on with that we foun another house its was a dream home back in the day my parnets watched it being built haha and they always said they wanted it. Well my dad put an offer in for and got it for $279,000 40k under list price cash speaks over banks haha. THe owner paid for all the inspections and the inspector who wrote up a 35page report on the old house wrote up a 5 page on this oneand only found 2 issues and none sever a lose gutter drain, and the roof is old but we said not to replace the roof we are going to do that in a year or 2. SO when i go home I will be moving into a new house. Sorry if u can no longer text me there is no cell service out where it is haha.
I am back on my trip right now. I left 2 as ago and drove to Floarnce, South Carolina. And the hotel was amazing haha. But I got busted speeding in virginia... 85 in a 70 so i got a court date.. should be able to take care of it over the phone though. I am hoping cause i dont want my dad to find out haha.
Yesterday was a very eventful day to say the least haha and its all about the south i guess<.<
When i was younger i would get hooters calenders cause i was a teenager haha and i always noticed so many of the girls were from Savannah Georgia. Well it was lunch time i needed to stop for gas and haha i found the hooters and now I see why I got lost in the place haha. But was a good distraction.
After that i was gonna start driving towards daytona I am here a day early though haha. Southern georgia was like driving through hell literally. There was a mile long stretch of roads blacked out by wild fire smoke and u could see the flames through the trees.
But once i got into Florida it was darkness of a different type some of the heaviest rain i ever drove through. The rain was so hard i couldnt see the front bumper of my car.
I am sitting in my current hotel room till 11am check out time. Im going to go explore a little then check into my beach hotel.
My original plan was to go out to yellowstone but due to snow the north roads were not going to be open when I was plaaning on being there so I am going to try and make it back out around the end of august.
So I will pick up after my last blog.
I went to the race had lots of fun but i was stupid and drank 1 bottle of water and got really dehydrated. I ended up spending an extra day in my hotel just to rehydrate.
I decided to head back home after that I decided to take the turnpikes thru ohio and PA back home. Bad idea. Half way through Ohio a semi truck overturned 3 cars ahead of me one of the scariest moments of my life. I was so spooked i kept driving i should have stopped but that thought was far from m mind.
I got back home in time to see the house my dad had an offer on to see it get its inspection. Well the house is beautiful but do it urself projects put fixing the problems up to much for me an m dad to worry with so we backed out on that house.
Moving on with that we foun another house its was a dream home back in the day my parnets watched it being built haha and they always said they wanted it. Well my dad put an offer in for and got it for $279,000 40k under list price cash speaks over banks haha. THe owner paid for all the inspections and the inspector who wrote up a 35page report on the old house wrote up a 5 page on this oneand only found 2 issues and none sever a lose gutter drain, and the roof is old but we said not to replace the roof we are going to do that in a year or 2. SO when i go home I will be moving into a new house. Sorry if u can no longer text me there is no cell service out where it is haha.
I am back on my trip right now. I left 2 as ago and drove to Floarnce, South Carolina. And the hotel was amazing haha. But I got busted speeding in virginia... 85 in a 70 so i got a court date.. should be able to take care of it over the phone though. I am hoping cause i dont want my dad to find out haha.
Yesterday was a very eventful day to say the least haha and its all about the south i guess<.<
When i was younger i would get hooters calenders cause i was a teenager haha and i always noticed so many of the girls were from Savannah Georgia. Well it was lunch time i needed to stop for gas and haha i found the hooters and now I see why I got lost in the place haha. But was a good distraction.
After that i was gonna start driving towards daytona I am here a day early though haha. Southern georgia was like driving through hell literally. There was a mile long stretch of roads blacked out by wild fire smoke and u could see the flames through the trees.
But once i got into Florida it was darkness of a different type some of the heaviest rain i ever drove through. The rain was so hard i couldnt see the front bumper of my car.
I am sitting in my current hotel room till 11am check out time. Im going to go explore a little then check into my beach hotel.
i cut them open on the grill and squeeze tomato juice on them, then cheese, then tomatoes, then cheese, then tomatoes and repeat until i feel satisfied. heh.
yup! its fucking tasty and cheap and easy to make! let me know how you like it if you make it!