Okay so things have still not gotten better. I will start here. THis girl in class here name is Kate and well I got this uber crush on her and she doesnt know and 2 of our friends knew Tye and AJ. Well they finally talked me into asking here out. She was staying the weekend in student housing over at Aj's so I was going to ask her out. Well today we all hung out and went out to lunch all 4 of us. Well in this time she let slip that she just startig going out with a guy. Bam Everyone at the table looked at me and its not like i dont feel stabbed at all it only got worse when she said he is a cop bam I was done counted out i got no shot my courage is gone on that note. Yeah that how that goes still single and bored.
On a worse note no more then 20 minutes after i found all this out when I am walking back to my apartment I call my mom. Cause I normally check in every day or 2. She tell me that my Uncle Kenny is in Hershey Medical Center. He is having heart issues and very low blood pressure. My Parents went to see him last night. I hope he gets better. Tuesday Up coming will be 1 year since my Aunt Bev his wife passed away. I am not sure if his heart can take it.
Yeah other then school my life sucks right now cant wait to weeks i get to go home for more then a night and visit my family for a whole week.
On a worse note no more then 20 minutes after i found all this out when I am walking back to my apartment I call my mom. Cause I normally check in every day or 2. She tell me that my Uncle Kenny is in Hershey Medical Center. He is having heart issues and very low blood pressure. My Parents went to see him last night. I hope he gets better. Tuesday Up coming will be 1 year since my Aunt Bev his wife passed away. I am not sure if his heart can take it.
Yeah other then school my life sucks right now cant wait to weeks i get to go home for more then a night and visit my family for a whole week.