I am back in Philadelphia just back at 10:30. Went to my friends viewing last night I ended up taking the train from Philly to Reading then Harrisburg then gave my dad a call to come pick me up he was shocked I came back. Bu he was more then glad to see me he misses me even though he didnt want to say he. Got to my house around 2pm got to see my dog for the first time since January I missed him so much he was all over me just wouldnt let me go. After all that I got ready for the viewing which from 6pm to 9pm. First had to wait for my mm havent seen her since i moved wa was even more shocked I came home. I took her car aka my old car to the viewing. It was very depressing to see Nate laying there almost surreal. He was one of my best friends and it would be hard to say where I would be if not without him. The viewing looked all proper and nice for a depressing time. I saw alot of friend that all came back from their schools for it. I found Nate's younger brother Andrew and talked to him a while he is a wreck to say the least. I know how he looked up to his brother. To get his mind of his brother I took Andrew and some my other friends bowling to try to get our minds else were. Or at least give us all time to catch up. Today was his funeral it warmed up and wasnt fridge outside which was the only good thing. His service was very short and the preacher was trying his hardest to give hope to Nate's parents. I did find out what caused his death after his funeral. He had an undiagnosed whole in has heart that caused an attack while he was sleeping. From what I heard it wouldnt have even woke him so he would have passed away peacefully.
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