I bought new pajamas!
I'll only be able to wear them on Tuesdays tho.
On account of my OCD
For those of you who don't know, I've had mild OCD since I was about 16.
It isn't that bad, but it has really taken over my life
I don't mean to do it, but I'm slowly pushing it into 3's life as well
My problem is usually with colours & things in multiples of 3.
I dunno why.
I wear certain colours on certain days of the week & I never miss a day. Not since I was in high school. What's crazy is that even on holidays or days when I have to be wearing something specific, the colours always fall on the correct day.
I've been lucky with that.
Here's the list of colours & days:
Sunday is yellow or orange
Monday is white
Tuesday is red or pink
Wednesday is purple or gray
Thursday is green or brown
Friday is blue
Saturday is black
I'll just break this down for you.
Today is Tuesday. I'm wearing red all day today. So is 3. Our outfits match almost perfectly. If we were to go out to buy junk food at a gas station, I'd only get red things. Red Slurpees or Red Vines or cinnamon gum or Hot Cheetos... I'd get 3 a red Kool Aid juice or a watermelon drink. I'd have to have everything match.
I dunno why
I remember even tweeting about it one Sunday.
"This orange cream slush that matches my accesories, my dress & hair pins tastes like my OCD is taking over my life."
(or something like that)
That's when I knew it was bad.
So now you all know that I'm a bit of a weenie.
With OCD.

I'll only be able to wear them on Tuesdays tho.
On account of my OCD

For those of you who don't know, I've had mild OCD since I was about 16.
It isn't that bad, but it has really taken over my life

I don't mean to do it, but I'm slowly pushing it into 3's life as well

My problem is usually with colours & things in multiples of 3.
I dunno why.
I wear certain colours on certain days of the week & I never miss a day. Not since I was in high school. What's crazy is that even on holidays or days when I have to be wearing something specific, the colours always fall on the correct day.
I've been lucky with that.

Here's the list of colours & days:
Sunday is yellow or orange
Monday is white
Tuesday is red or pink
Wednesday is purple or gray
Thursday is green or brown
Friday is blue
Saturday is black
I'll just break this down for you.
Today is Tuesday. I'm wearing red all day today. So is 3. Our outfits match almost perfectly. If we were to go out to buy junk food at a gas station, I'd only get red things. Red Slurpees or Red Vines or cinnamon gum or Hot Cheetos... I'd get 3 a red Kool Aid juice or a watermelon drink. I'd have to have everything match.
I dunno why

I remember even tweeting about it one Sunday.
"This orange cream slush that matches my accesories, my dress & hair pins tastes like my OCD is taking over my life."
(or something like that)
That's when I knew it was bad.

So now you all know that I'm a bit of a weenie.
With OCD.
PS you look hot!