To whomever takes the effort to read this... I am wishing my farewells to Suicide Girls on April 3rd. It's been a while since I've last logged in, mainly cause I was tired of being treated as a second class citizen by others simply because I am male.
I have moved on to bigger and better things. Mainly the wonderful site of Purely Pinups.
Found at www.purelypinups.com it is what SG started out as... a place for normal people to be beautiful in true pinup fashion. With both male and female models, it's a breath of fresh air... and though it's still a very new place that's not nearly as interactive as here, it is still a touch of beauty on an otherwise drab and copycat genre.
For anyone who's fallen out of touch with the ideal that SG use to be, I highly recommend checking Purely Pinups out... it's like a thriving community/family there.