Well, today was the best worst day in a while. Allow me to extrapolate...
I woke up in a wonderful mood. Good dreams and plenty of sleep has raised my outlook on life dramatically. I bathed, got dressed, and headed off to pick up a friend on my way to work. It was a fairly uneventful day picking Sis, my aforementioned friend, up and heading through the back roads that I take as a short cut of sorts to the main road... Once I hit that main road my good mood got me in trouble.
Let me admit, though a safe driver, I tend to have a bit of a lead foot. Today the morning sun was shining, the music was quality, and I was talking with my friend about random stuffs... I wasn't, however, paying attention to the speed I was driving. Now, if you can see where I'm leading this story, you're correct... police.
I get pulled over going 71 in a 55... I'm stupid for letting my speed drift this much and I don't really have any excuses other than... "well, yep, I did it." And so today after 28 years of life I get my first speeding ticket. Luckily it's only going to cost me 133 or some odd dollars. I can handle it even if it kicks me in the bumbum.
So, I'm frustrated as I drive to work, I'm frustrated as work begins, I'm frustrated an hour into work and then I realize that if I don't get this out of my system I'll be ruining a perfectly good day. And so I crack out my pen and begin to write. I write my feelings, what I think of the officer who gave me the ticket in spite of the fact that he was only doing his job, and I write out every annoyance that's placing a big damper on my otherwise good day. And you know what's great folks? It worked. Once written, the mood was locked away in a prison of ink and paper and I could smile for real once more.
It's a technique I utilize a lot and suggest to others when things are building up on them.
After I improved my mood, I spent the rest of my day training a co-worker, showing off how flexible I am in spite of being a big guy (not my idea, I was the only guy with five other ladies and they were impressed that I was bendy), and otherwise goofing off while doing my job. So that was good.
Now I sit at home, finishing off this blog by telling everyone one of the oldest tricks in the book. If you want to ruin a day you can allow outside forces to help. If you want to enjoy a day you make sure nothing can take it away from you.
Much love to whoever reads this.
~Charles P.
I woke up in a wonderful mood. Good dreams and plenty of sleep has raised my outlook on life dramatically. I bathed, got dressed, and headed off to pick up a friend on my way to work. It was a fairly uneventful day picking Sis, my aforementioned friend, up and heading through the back roads that I take as a short cut of sorts to the main road... Once I hit that main road my good mood got me in trouble.
Let me admit, though a safe driver, I tend to have a bit of a lead foot. Today the morning sun was shining, the music was quality, and I was talking with my friend about random stuffs... I wasn't, however, paying attention to the speed I was driving. Now, if you can see where I'm leading this story, you're correct... police.
I get pulled over going 71 in a 55... I'm stupid for letting my speed drift this much and I don't really have any excuses other than... "well, yep, I did it." And so today after 28 years of life I get my first speeding ticket. Luckily it's only going to cost me 133 or some odd dollars. I can handle it even if it kicks me in the bumbum.
So, I'm frustrated as I drive to work, I'm frustrated as work begins, I'm frustrated an hour into work and then I realize that if I don't get this out of my system I'll be ruining a perfectly good day. And so I crack out my pen and begin to write. I write my feelings, what I think of the officer who gave me the ticket in spite of the fact that he was only doing his job, and I write out every annoyance that's placing a big damper on my otherwise good day. And you know what's great folks? It worked. Once written, the mood was locked away in a prison of ink and paper and I could smile for real once more.
It's a technique I utilize a lot and suggest to others when things are building up on them.
After I improved my mood, I spent the rest of my day training a co-worker, showing off how flexible I am in spite of being a big guy (not my idea, I was the only guy with five other ladies and they were impressed that I was bendy), and otherwise goofing off while doing my job. So that was good.
Now I sit at home, finishing off this blog by telling everyone one of the oldest tricks in the book. If you want to ruin a day you can allow outside forces to help. If you want to enjoy a day you make sure nothing can take it away from you.
Much love to whoever reads this.

~Charles P.
chuck is the greatest!!!! yes you are!!!
I'm glad you liked my set!!! Thanks Kisses