I had like the best week ever last week. Two of my most favorite people from the internet came out to the big MO to visit. These are the first people that I exclusively met and knew via the internet that I've actually met in real life... it was so bloody awesome.
One was Holly, she's from West Virginia, she's a belly dancer and a fellow author (we're both waiting for our first publishing) and she's so wonderful. She's this tall, beautiful red head and you just find yourself holding your breath when you see her, that is the limits of her beauty. Holly hugs too. I don't mean the typical girl hug where they lay in your arms and just let you hold them an instant, I mean she HUGS! Her arms are strong and squeezing, you leave the embrace knowing that someone loves you. Holly may very well be one of the few people who truly make the world go around.
The other was the gentlemanly and debonair Jas. He's from England and actually skipped across the ocean to meet yours truly (well, I guess Holly was another good excuse since they're an item). I can only describe him as the English Brandon Lee. They look very similar and all that good stuff. He 's one of the smartest people I've ever had the honor of meeting and actually made me use my brain when I talked to him. His soft spoken manners and tendency to treat Holly like a goddess made me like and respect him more than I ever had before, though I always respected him. I must admit though, his hugs need some work.
Having two dinners and a night of should-have-been dancing (the DJ played such shit) were wonderful and made for lasting memories. I look forward to the day when I may someday again meet these two and spend quality time with them once more.
They say that a person is judged by the company they keep... I believe spending last week with these two has made me a better person by comparison and I can only extol the virtues of our first meeting.
I guess, you could say, they made me one happy Chuck.
One was Holly, she's from West Virginia, she's a belly dancer and a fellow author (we're both waiting for our first publishing) and she's so wonderful. She's this tall, beautiful red head and you just find yourself holding your breath when you see her, that is the limits of her beauty. Holly hugs too. I don't mean the typical girl hug where they lay in your arms and just let you hold them an instant, I mean she HUGS! Her arms are strong and squeezing, you leave the embrace knowing that someone loves you. Holly may very well be one of the few people who truly make the world go around.
The other was the gentlemanly and debonair Jas. He's from England and actually skipped across the ocean to meet yours truly (well, I guess Holly was another good excuse since they're an item). I can only describe him as the English Brandon Lee. They look very similar and all that good stuff. He 's one of the smartest people I've ever had the honor of meeting and actually made me use my brain when I talked to him. His soft spoken manners and tendency to treat Holly like a goddess made me like and respect him more than I ever had before, though I always respected him. I must admit though, his hugs need some work.
Having two dinners and a night of should-have-been dancing (the DJ played such shit) were wonderful and made for lasting memories. I look forward to the day when I may someday again meet these two and spend quality time with them once more.
They say that a person is judged by the company they keep... I believe spending last week with these two has made me a better person by comparison and I can only extol the virtues of our first meeting.
I guess, you could say, they made me one happy Chuck.
Hey, thank you for your sweet comments

Thanks for the nice comments on LeMorta's "Sin City Triangle".