Let's see...I wish I had more to report.
Classes started this past week. They're going alright. I'm looking forward to studying the music and film of the Third Reich.
I just finished reading Ham on Rye. What a prick Bukowski was, but I love him nonetheless.
To be honest, I spend most of my time smoking pot and eating cereal. Ergo the lack of news. But I will say that the price of cereal in New York City is mind bogglingly high.
Here some pictures that aren't worth the thousand words that I can't think of right now anyway:
That's my buddy's foot. He scratched it too much.
I love wires. Wooooooooooo!!!!
My roommate. What a guy.
New pipe. Shit picture, but it's gorgeous.
And to go with it.
Ye olde view.
I'm going to take one of those shots every hour, then synchronize my desktop to switch from picture to picture as the day goes. It will be just like having a window at my desk.
If you've made it to this point in the entry, I apologize.
P.S. Anyone going to SGLive in NYC? If you are, buy me a beer. I'm poor.
Classes started this past week. They're going alright. I'm looking forward to studying the music and film of the Third Reich.
I just finished reading Ham on Rye. What a prick Bukowski was, but I love him nonetheless.
To be honest, I spend most of my time smoking pot and eating cereal. Ergo the lack of news. But I will say that the price of cereal in New York City is mind bogglingly high.
Here some pictures that aren't worth the thousand words that I can't think of right now anyway:

That's my buddy's foot. He scratched it too much.

I love wires. Wooooooooooo!!!!


My roommate. What a guy.

New pipe. Shit picture, but it's gorgeous.

And to go with it.

Ye olde view.
I'm going to take one of those shots every hour, then synchronize my desktop to switch from picture to picture as the day goes. It will be just like having a window at my desk.
If you've made it to this point in the entry, I apologize.
P.S. Anyone going to SGLive in NYC? If you are, buy me a beer. I'm poor.
Why thank you for the comment, deary!!! And, that is a gorgeous pipe, by the way.

thank u