The saddest of the many sad things about this day and age is the phasing out of the apostrophe. It breaks my heart. Puncuation is not optional. Vaginafaces.
I can't sleep. I've got no pot to ease the process along.
I wonder how many times I have to masturbate to undo the effects of one ill thought after dinner cup of coffee. Clearly more than twice.
I've got a busy week ahead. I figured I would just go to sleep now and deal with shit tomorrow, which seems like a sound plan, but the anxiety is still there. Just silly shit I have to deal with. Adhesing of loose ends. Slightly overdue checks. Belated gifts. When I think about it though, it's basically those things that occupy most of my time.
Well, I'm off. I'll try to sleep again. G'night all.

I can't sleep. I've got no pot to ease the process along.
I wonder how many times I have to masturbate to undo the effects of one ill thought after dinner cup of coffee. Clearly more than twice.
I've got a busy week ahead. I figured I would just go to sleep now and deal with shit tomorrow, which seems like a sound plan, but the anxiety is still there. Just silly shit I have to deal with. Adhesing of loose ends. Slightly overdue checks. Belated gifts. When I think about it though, it's basically those things that occupy most of my time.
Well, I'm off. I'll try to sleep again. G'night all.

My roommates smoke and they often look at the full ashtray (which was probably empty a day before) and a single tear rolls down their withered, smoke charred faces.