I'm due for an update. And a shave.
If you shave me, I'll tell you what I've been doing with myself. Deal?
By the way...the SG Live show was so great. And TsuShiMaMiRe was the best thing to have graced my eyes and ears since ever.
In addition, Gauloises cigarettes are delicious. The New York City fire code is not so delicious. At least you can still buy the rolling tobacco.
I get nostalgic about Europe every few minutes.
I'm happy it's been, and continues to be, rainy.
Whenever I'm going to buy pot and the nice fellows in the park try to save me the trouble, I chuckle to myself.
You know that fiery look that crackheads get in their eyes when they're excited? It's precious.
Come armageddon, come
If you shave me, I'll tell you what I've been doing with myself. Deal?
By the way...the SG Live show was so great. And TsuShiMaMiRe was the best thing to have graced my eyes and ears since ever.
In addition, Gauloises cigarettes are delicious. The New York City fire code is not so delicious. At least you can still buy the rolling tobacco.
I get nostalgic about Europe every few minutes.
I'm happy it's been, and continues to be, rainy.
Whenever I'm going to buy pot and the nice fellows in the park try to save me the trouble, I chuckle to myself.
You know that fiery look that crackheads get in their eyes when they're excited? It's precious.

Come armageddon, come
thanks for the comment on my set luv.

Galuoises make my froat feel funny.