OK, so I'm back. I like this place far too much and I was given a sweet offer to stay - so, Matt's ratio is going to be back up to almost even. wink

My buddy, Shane, called me Saturday morning and asked me if I was busy. It seems that he found a new Dodge 1-ton dually (What I call the Sherman Tank edition) for...
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I've never really been into Tool. I doubt very seriously that I would feel as strongly as I do if there wasn't as much hype built up around them. But I've always thought they were pretty lackluster and the hype just makes me reject them.

Anyway, it's good to have you back. I knew you didn't have it in you to stay away. wink
To whoever cares:

I've decided to cancel my account here as of August 21st. I'm not really using the site at all anymore and, to be quite honest, it's time for me to move on. To all of the people that haven't taken me off their friend's list, thanks. It's been fun. Maybe I'll run into some of you again.
I say it again, you're seriously throwing off my girl-to-guy friend ratio on the site. I hope you're happy with yourself. mad
Honestly, yeah. I try to keep it all even-steven.

That sounds like a perfectly fabulous idea.
I got home Sunday from a week and a half long Harley ride with 9 of my buddies to Yellowstone and to see some of the Ghost Towns in Montana. Beautiful scenery, great food, Harley riding....... How can that get any better?!?! I've been in total "relaxed and stupid" mode since Sunday.

I have the final appointment with Jesse on Thursday to finish my sleeve...
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I've always thought of having a Harley but I think I'd look ridiculous on one.

By the way, did you know I met Sonny Barger in person? biggrin
Matt - you're right. It's been too long without an update.

This has been such a surreal week for me. I had a checkup at the doctor's on Wednesday. While I was there, I thought I'd stop in and say "hi" to an old friend of about 20 years. I went into the office part of the hospital and asked the receptionist where I could...
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<sigh> I had a horrible weekend, and sadly, I missed StrongMad and Hopey's b-day party. frown That really sucks.

The Motorcycle class was quite eye-opening though. There were 26 people in the class, 22 of them had never been on a bike before in their lives - and all BUT one, passed the class. It was amazing seeing all of these people negotiating complex weaves...
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Such a horrible weekend it prevented you from posting for over an entire month. whatever
I missed the party too. frown

How have you been?
ok, first and foremost, I have to say that Jules' newest set is fanfuckingtastic! My God, she is gorgeous - and there's something about that set that "works". Most of the sets in the recent weeks/months have not really impressed me. Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few that I have really taken notice of, but as a whole, nothing is blowing my...
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People occasionally ask me why I don't update that often.. The only reply that I can't come up with is this: My life is really not that interesting. (Example: I saw Hoodwinked on Saturday and thought it wasn't quite as funny as the previews lead me to believe...) But do people here really want to read about that from me? Probably not. Then again, I...
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i have to admit- i'm a little sad i didn't get the keychain.....

sounds like u need a good accountant. lemmie know if u wanna referral wink
You coming to the birthday bash?!
Why don't you bring 2-4 mixes then and a cock ring if you think you'll meet a lady up to it.
Two more days until I get more ink......... eeek I can hardly contain my excitement about it! Pics to come.
Are you finally getting that unicorn colored in?
Dude, if you need printer cartridges they have shitloads of them at Staples.
Wow, it's been quite a while since I've updated. mad

My Birthday this year sadly left me wanting more. I didn't really do anything special, no parties, no get-togethers - nothing.. However, I don't FEEL 31, so why celebrate it, right? wink BIG THANKS to those who posted birthday wishes! It means a lot to me that people took the time.

Today has turned out to be...
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They are'nt for sale but I will gladly give you one instead...I should have them this week. E-mail me an address that I can send it to.

Glad to hear things are moving along. have a good new years.