I deserve "asshole of the month" award....
Every Tuesday, for over a year now, I've gone to the Diamond Knot Brewery for $2 pints and a killer steak. It's become a weekly ritual for me and I never miss it. I told the Lovely Miss Arvy that we should meet there and have a fun chat. Not 5 minutes after she walked in, I excused myself for a minute to get loose a piece of steak in my teeth (something I just don't do at the table, period). I get back, and not five more minutes, I had to use the restroom... Then, 5 minutes after that, someone from work called and needed my expertise for a few minutes.. Good Christ, I thought for sure that when I came back, she'd have left - but no, a tremendous credit to her character, she was still there. I promised that I wouldn't answer any more calls and that there wouldn't be any further interruptions..
I'm SO glad that she stayed! We ended up having a great "get to know you" conversation, had some good beer (Huh Arvy
and then she did the ultimate..... She asked me if I had an extra helmet with me! "Hell Yeah!" was my reply - and we were off. The first SG member to go for a ride - it's Arvy. Congrats! Hope you had a good time!
Anyway, I'm really excited to hang out more with her. She's my kind of people.
Work has been really kicking my ass recently - in a good way, no less, but kicking it all the same. I've been getting home and watching a 1/2 hour of tv and going to bed..
What a hot day today, huh? Makes me miss Vegas a bit (lived there for over 3 years).
I have no real plans for the weekend, really. Some friends want me to go out dancing Friday night. It could be fun, I suppose - I'm just not "feeling it". There are about 7 movies in the theater that I want to see. Hmmmm, haven't spent an entire day at the movies in a LONG time..
<sigh> It sucks having no life sometimes..

Every Tuesday, for over a year now, I've gone to the Diamond Knot Brewery for $2 pints and a killer steak. It's become a weekly ritual for me and I never miss it. I told the Lovely Miss Arvy that we should meet there and have a fun chat. Not 5 minutes after she walked in, I excused myself for a minute to get loose a piece of steak in my teeth (something I just don't do at the table, period). I get back, and not five more minutes, I had to use the restroom... Then, 5 minutes after that, someone from work called and needed my expertise for a few minutes.. Good Christ, I thought for sure that when I came back, she'd have left - but no, a tremendous credit to her character, she was still there. I promised that I wouldn't answer any more calls and that there wouldn't be any further interruptions..
I'm SO glad that she stayed! We ended up having a great "get to know you" conversation, had some good beer (Huh Arvy

Anyway, I'm really excited to hang out more with her. She's my kind of people.
Work has been really kicking my ass recently - in a good way, no less, but kicking it all the same. I've been getting home and watching a 1/2 hour of tv and going to bed..
What a hot day today, huh? Makes me miss Vegas a bit (lived there for over 3 years).
I have no real plans for the weekend, really. Some friends want me to go out dancing Friday night. It could be fun, I suppose - I'm just not "feeling it". There are about 7 movies in the theater that I want to see. Hmmmm, haven't spent an entire day at the movies in a LONG time..

<sigh> It sucks having no life sometimes..
I had a fantastic time, thank you!
So, same time next week?
I guess there's karaoke going on at Rickshaw on Thursday night though. I plan on being there.