Holy shit it's been a long time since I've been on...... Wow, sorry everyone - I haven't forgotten you!
Let's start with that camping trip the weekend before last.. I learned a very important lesson : When you get older, your capacity of liquor increases substantially... While acting like a total and complete idiot at the campsite, I proceeded to down 2 bottles (minus one or two shots for a friend's Pepsi) of Morgan's Parrot Bay Coconut Rum. What amazed me most though was that I was still standing later that night. I was blitzed, but still standing..
So, good lesson learned. Heh, wow.
My boss is certainly one of the coolest people I've met so far in life. His philosophy on work is that we need the best that money can buy to really do our job well. So, we're constantly looking for ways to stay connected and whatnot. Well, enter the new Blackberry.. We merely suggested the idea to him and the next day we had them. Unreal. So, the Blackberry is an amazing tool that keeps me connected to the digital world that I so desire..
Case in point: Last week, Friday I believe, I was riding the bus into work. Now, my bus normally isn't that busy - maybe half-full on a good day.. So, I decided to check out the latest SG sets on the Blackberry.
I was so engrossed in the sets, I didn't notice the woman who sat down next to me. I just about jumped out of my skin when I hear (almost IN my ear) "Holy shit that's cool! What site is that?" I sheepishly reply with "Suicide Girls of course.." she says: "My god, there's some hot girls there, huh?" the only words that came out of my mouth? "Yes there are.... Yes indeed."
She got off at the next stop and I haven't seen her since........ Good times.
Saturday, for the first time since I was 5, I went to the zoo with some friends.. My how it has changed. Honestly though, I had a friggin blast!
They've really got it well setup for all of the different animals. I remember when I was young (like 5) most of the animals were in cages to some degree and you could tell they were "out of their element". Now, they've replicated a friggin African Savanna! I'm not a member of PETA or anything, but it's nice to see the animals happy and comfortable.
Ok, I'm almost rambling now.. Last minute thing here: The Diamond Knot brewery in Mukilteo has $2 pint Tuesdays (it's a weekly ritual for me and some friends) - so if anyone wants to come and have a beer, that'd be great!!
Let's start with that camping trip the weekend before last.. I learned a very important lesson : When you get older, your capacity of liquor increases substantially... While acting like a total and complete idiot at the campsite, I proceeded to down 2 bottles (minus one or two shots for a friend's Pepsi) of Morgan's Parrot Bay Coconut Rum. What amazed me most though was that I was still standing later that night. I was blitzed, but still standing..

My boss is certainly one of the coolest people I've met so far in life. His philosophy on work is that we need the best that money can buy to really do our job well. So, we're constantly looking for ways to stay connected and whatnot. Well, enter the new Blackberry.. We merely suggested the idea to him and the next day we had them. Unreal. So, the Blackberry is an amazing tool that keeps me connected to the digital world that I so desire..
Case in point: Last week, Friday I believe, I was riding the bus into work. Now, my bus normally isn't that busy - maybe half-full on a good day.. So, I decided to check out the latest SG sets on the Blackberry.

She got off at the next stop and I haven't seen her since........ Good times.
Saturday, for the first time since I was 5, I went to the zoo with some friends.. My how it has changed. Honestly though, I had a friggin blast!

Ok, I'm almost rambling now.. Last minute thing here: The Diamond Knot brewery in Mukilteo has $2 pint Tuesdays (it's a weekly ritual for me and some friends) - so if anyone wants to come and have a beer, that'd be great!!

Okay ... I will be there! I don't know what time ... or where it is ... but I'm so there.

Is it time to retire yet?