I've now come to the conclusion that the government is currently testing their "mind control waves" through the medium of the Great American TV Show. Last night, I watched 5 (yes, count 'em: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!) episodes of The O.C. (Finally caught up) and I HAD to watch them back-to-back. No matter what I tried, I could NOT pull myself away! Now that I'm finally caught up, I will STOP writing about it! Thanks for putting up with it so far......
ok, I don't want to start a big flaming session or anything like that, so about this next part, if you're NOT a fan of shooting/guns/law-abiding citizens who literally just LOVE to shoot at paper, then please stop reading. I'm SO tired of having the "Gun Debate". Fact is: I was raised with/around them, I have a serious amount of respect for them and if ONE more person tells me that "Guns Kill People", I'll scream!
That said, I'll now tell my news.
If you know what a Desert Eagle is then I won't have to explain a thing - but for those of you who don't know, it's one of the most powerful, crazy-fun pistols to shoot. It's big (barely fits MY hands!), shoots a magnum caliber round and is seriously mean looking. Ever since the first time I saw one, I've wanted one. The big problem: they cost anywhere from $1100 to 1500 and that's kinda pricey for my taste. Today, after YEARS of drooling over them, I finally lost my mind and bought one. I got a good deal on it, lots of goodies thrown in with the sale, but still damn near $1000! I'm so incredibly giddy that my coworkers are ready to throw my ass out on the street!
That's my big deal for the day. I'm back to boring now. Heh.

ok, I don't want to start a big flaming session or anything like that, so about this next part, if you're NOT a fan of shooting/guns/law-abiding citizens who literally just LOVE to shoot at paper, then please stop reading. I'm SO tired of having the "Gun Debate". Fact is: I was raised with/around them, I have a serious amount of respect for them and if ONE more person tells me that "Guns Kill People", I'll scream!
That said, I'll now tell my news.
If you know what a Desert Eagle is then I won't have to explain a thing - but for those of you who don't know, it's one of the most powerful, crazy-fun pistols to shoot. It's big (barely fits MY hands!), shoots a magnum caliber round and is seriously mean looking. Ever since the first time I saw one, I've wanted one. The big problem: they cost anywhere from $1100 to 1500 and that's kinda pricey for my taste. Today, after YEARS of drooling over them, I finally lost my mind and bought one. I got a good deal on it, lots of goodies thrown in with the sale, but still damn near $1000! I'm so incredibly giddy that my coworkers are ready to throw my ass out on the street!

That's my big deal for the day. I'm back to boring now. Heh.

Guns make my heart race. That's bad, which is why I can't own one. Rick's will be next month...

Happy Valentine's Day!