Well, it's been a few weeks since I last wrote. I have been busy and shit has hit the fan a few times. Where to start? I was going to the bank after work on the 21st of September, sitting at a stop light when WHAM! I got rear-ended at about 35 mph by a woman driving a GX series Lexus Suv. I drive a VW GTI so you can imagine the size difference. She hit me so hard, I was pushed into the car in front of me (a Gran Marquis of all things). The cops came and didn't even fill out a report, stating: "it's a cut-and-dry case, hash it out with insurance." Luckily, that's what happenend and my car goes into the shop tomorrow for service. The only casualty of the incident was my poor Ipod. It was sitting in the seat next to me and when I got hit, it went from 0 to 35 to 0 again in just under half a second, coming to rest on the floor just after taking flight and slamming into the glove box.
The good times just keep on comin'. Friday, I was informed that I have to move in 6 weeks because my housemates are having "money troubles" and want to redo my area of the house. Don't ask, I'm just as confused as you. So, my birthday is going to completely suck this year as that I have to be out of here just a couple days before.
Christ, what's next?

The good times just keep on comin'. Friday, I was informed that I have to move in 6 weeks because my housemates are having "money troubles" and want to redo my area of the house. Don't ask, I'm just as confused as you. So, my birthday is going to completely suck this year as that I have to be out of here just a couple days before.
Christ, what's next?