So there's a lot that's happened that's kept me from posting.
First off, I got divorced back in April. It was one of the worst experiences in my life and I'm still not the same, nor do I think I ever will be. Enough on that.
Second, after 11 months of being unemployed, I'm finally back to work - been there for over a month now. I'm the Sr. Computer Specialist for a partnership of Dr.'s, so I'm REALLY loving this! They are great to their employees and every day that I'm there, I'm loving this job even more and more. Being back to work has been a huge change for me - something that I've really needed.
Third, my Grandfather died in the end of January, and my Grandmother seems to be failing pretty fast now.
These two Grandparents in particular have been very instrumental in my life - and raised me for a good part of it.
I feel like I'm finally getting back to where I want to be social and enjoy life again - so I've been focusing on things that I enjoy. For example, there's a Somali cafe off of 23rd in Seattle that makes the best, REAL chai I've ever had in my life. I've been there so much, the owners of the place have gotten to know me by name.
With this amazing weather, I've been riding my Harley a lot - and that's just the most wonderful feeling (ok, the THE most wonderful feeling, but I sure love it) in the world.
One more thing: stop by and give Brandie some love. She's been really hard at work with all of her sets and fully deserves to go pink.
First off, I got divorced back in April. It was one of the worst experiences in my life and I'm still not the same, nor do I think I ever will be. Enough on that.
Second, after 11 months of being unemployed, I'm finally back to work - been there for over a month now. I'm the Sr. Computer Specialist for a partnership of Dr.'s, so I'm REALLY loving this! They are great to their employees and every day that I'm there, I'm loving this job even more and more. Being back to work has been a huge change for me - something that I've really needed.
Third, my Grandfather died in the end of January, and my Grandmother seems to be failing pretty fast now.

I feel like I'm finally getting back to where I want to be social and enjoy life again - so I've been focusing on things that I enjoy. For example, there's a Somali cafe off of 23rd in Seattle that makes the best, REAL chai I've ever had in my life. I've been there so much, the owners of the place have gotten to know me by name.

One more thing: stop by and give Brandie some love. She's been really hard at work with all of her sets and fully deserves to go pink.
I think we have until roughly next Wednesday to enjoy this weather. Then I hear it's right back to Fall again.
Hope things start to look up for you. I would love to see Brandie work with a staff photographer