ok, so it's been a long time since I've updated - - I know it, but I've been really blown away with how many changes I've had happen internally since dating Jessica. I know Matt is going to complain about this being a "sappy/lovey" post, but that's just where I am right now. I'm ridiculously crazy-in-love with Jessica. So much so, that I've reconsidered my "I'm never getting married again" mentality. Ok, so much so OVER that, that I went to Tiffany's a couple of weeks ago and bought a ring for my precious.
She and I are going to Hawaii in October for my cousin's wedding. I think I'll propose there - *IF* I can wait that long. Seriously, I don't know how I'm going to wait - it's taking every single ounce of willpower to NOT blurt it out every second of the day. Good Christ, I'm going to deserve a medal if I pull this off.
She and I have been talking a lot recently about wedding stuff - ideas of where (we like Hawaii - on the beach), who (immediate family for ceremony, big party/reception upon return), dress code (haven't really decided that one - probably slightly casual - I mean, who wants to wear a big, foofy dress, dragging it through the sand anyway?), when (September 18, 2008 - no reason in particular, we both like the month and it sounds good). So, from the sounds of it, she and I are really on the same page and are both like-minded here. Then again, we always are.
In other news, I've been working like a dog. It's been nice not having any students here during the summer so I can catch-up on a few projects. It's almost time for new Mickeysoft Certs - god, that's going to suck. However, I've been using Vista for about 10 months now and I sure like it. I love listening to all of the "haters" out there that rip up MS about their devious practices. C'mon, they're one of the biggest corporations on the planet - of course they're going to be devious at times - they wouldn't be the biggest out there if they didn't care about your money, right?
At the same time, Vista is a rather nicely programmed piece of software *IF* you have a relatively new machine. See, I'm also a bit of a Mac guy too - and I've found that Parallels runs Vista beautifully as well - so, you have have Apple/Mac sexiness on the outside and yet still have Windows functionality and program usability on the inside, switching between the two OS' when you need to. Nice abilities.
I've been playing WoW quite a bit, jumped 5 levels in 4 days (42 - 47) on my Warrior. I really wish that I would have rolled one of them from the very beginning. I've finally found my niche-toon. Jessie has been rolling a Warlock (Alliance - bah!) and has been loving it, so I've been using my old Alliance toons a bit more recently. I had forgotten how much fun Van Cleef (Deadmines) is - Wailing Caverns (Horde equivalent) totally sucks ass in comparison.
I'm thinking about trying my hand at PVP. I've never been to Warsong Gulch - ever. I figure, once I get to 49, I'll queue up and see how I like it. Anyone that plays and likes it, please, give me your thoughts on it.
That's about it for now. I should probably get back to work now.

She and I are going to Hawaii in October for my cousin's wedding. I think I'll propose there - *IF* I can wait that long. Seriously, I don't know how I'm going to wait - it's taking every single ounce of willpower to NOT blurt it out every second of the day. Good Christ, I'm going to deserve a medal if I pull this off.

In other news, I've been working like a dog. It's been nice not having any students here during the summer so I can catch-up on a few projects. It's almost time for new Mickeysoft Certs - god, that's going to suck. However, I've been using Vista for about 10 months now and I sure like it. I love listening to all of the "haters" out there that rip up MS about their devious practices. C'mon, they're one of the biggest corporations on the planet - of course they're going to be devious at times - they wouldn't be the biggest out there if they didn't care about your money, right?

I've been playing WoW quite a bit, jumped 5 levels in 4 days (42 - 47) on my Warrior. I really wish that I would have rolled one of them from the very beginning. I've finally found my niche-toon. Jessie has been rolling a Warlock (Alliance - bah!) and has been loving it, so I've been using my old Alliance toons a bit more recently. I had forgotten how much fun Van Cleef (Deadmines) is - Wailing Caverns (Horde equivalent) totally sucks ass in comparison.

That's about it for now. I should probably get back to work now.

I'm alive and hanging on by my fingernails. What else is new?