I'm still trying to get used to the new site layout.. I think I like it, but I'm still having trouble finding things and that's frustrating the hell out of me.. Oy!
Winter is definitely coming. The rain these last couple of days seems to almost beat down the door with a certain sense of forboding. Good times indeed.
I think I'm going to head down to the Puyallup Fair this weekend. There's something about $8 burgers and informercial crap peddlers that really seem to feel "warm and fuzzy" to me once a year. It's a great waste of money for a fun occasion. Bring booze, friends, lots of money and a huge amount of patience for incredibly rude people. Wash, Rinse Repeat.
Winter is definitely coming. The rain these last couple of days seems to almost beat down the door with a certain sense of forboding. Good times indeed.

I think I'm going to head down to the Puyallup Fair this weekend. There's something about $8 burgers and informercial crap peddlers that really seem to feel "warm and fuzzy" to me once a year. It's a great waste of money for a fun occasion. Bring booze, friends, lots of money and a huge amount of patience for incredibly rude people. Wash, Rinse Repeat.
And about the site, how much time do you need?