Hye lovelies
Ok... my brief happiness couldn't last....
One of my bestest friend is in Bolivia to do an internship for his medical studies. They were 6 when they left.
2 girls of the team died. And 2 other were so sad and shocked by the death of their friends that they had to come back home.
My friend and another girl decided to stay anyway. I'm freaking scared to lose him.
Right now, I'm just too vulnerable for that. I love him way too much.
Ok... my brief happiness couldn't last....
One of my bestest friend is in Bolivia to do an internship for his medical studies. They were 6 when they left.
2 girls of the team died. And 2 other were so sad and shocked by the death of their friends that they had to come back home.
My friend and another girl decided to stay anyway. I'm freaking scared to lose him.
Right now, I'm just too vulnerable for that. I love him way too much.

et dis-donc, c'est pas facile en effet. J'espre que tout se passera bien pour ton ami.