That moment I knew would come has come.
I'm going crazy.
I'm sick and exhausted and a lil sun-burned too.
But I have one need to satisfy.
I need someone to hold me.
I need someone to hold me really tight and make me feel a lil better. I don't need to fuck... I mean I don't even have enough energy to have an orgasm I think...
I need affection and tenderness and fall asleep in somebody's arms... who wants to be my savior?
I'm going crazy.
I'm sick and exhausted and a lil sun-burned too.
But I have one need to satisfy.
I need someone to hold me.
I need someone to hold me really tight and make me feel a lil better. I don't need to fuck... I mean I don't even have enough energy to have an orgasm I think...
I need affection and tenderness and fall asleep in somebody's arms... who wants to be my savior?
