Very bad day for me!
Was supposed to get tattoed, but it's cancelled for today
Was supposed ti hang out with my friends from work and drink way too much but Jackie has to go with her sister to get he sister's kids out of their father's house cuz he's beating them. That sucks and I truly feel like putting this asshole in pain and agony for the rest of his miserable life.
My boyfriend and Simon have classes tonite...
So I'm all alone all day and all night
Very bad day for me!
Was supposed to get tattoed, but it's cancelled for today
Was supposed ti hang out with my friends from work and drink way too much but Jackie has to go with her sister to get he sister's kids out of their father's house cuz he's beating them. That sucks and I truly feel like putting this asshole in pain and agony for the rest of his miserable life.
My boyfriend and Simon have classes tonite...
So I'm all alone all day and all night

how are you really ...
sounds like you have been having some fun lately
where is your new tattoo?
i took one of my tongue piercings out last night
i will eventually lay the other to rest as well, but not quite ready.
i am sorry you are all alone...
but sometimes alone can be good
like recharging yourself
talk soon sweetie
I could have suggested a few things, but it's a little late for that now