Today, mister Jacques Parizeau came to my university to talk about the Parti Qubcois and the independence of the province of Quebec. I've been a member of this party since as long as I can remember (non officially before I turned 18, then officially). I've believed in independence since I was a little girl. There are times when I don't really think about it, about politic and all those kinda stuff. There are moments, like right now, when I'm into it 100%. I believe in the ideas the Parti Qubcois wants to elaborate for Quebec. I also believe in their point of view for education and health:
"L'ducation, ce n'est pas une dpense, c'est un investissement" (Education isn't an expense, it's an investment)
That's true. I agree with that, more than ever now that I'm a student and as I'm also planning on having my family pretty soon (in just a few years time like 3 or 4 maximum) and that I want my kids to go to university if they want to.
I also think that a major problem in Quebec now is that many people won't vote on Monday for the Parti Qubcois because they're not for the independence. Which is wrong. The medias have made those elections a campaign for independence and not for our next prime minister. People can vote for the PQ and still vote NO on a referendum, because what the PQ proposes us makes loads of sense, still you don't want the Quebec to be independent.
Consequently, we might end up having a liberal government on Monday with bad ideas and a terrible 4-year mandate. I'm scared. I truly am. And I believe in good and real and truthful politic like the PQ has. I recognize myself in their ideas and their point of view for Quebec's future, with or without independence.
Therefore, as of today, I'm not going to try to be a SG anymore because I decided I wanted to become a politician. Not that I don't approve anymore, but I know it would hurt my reputation and it would make problems if someone found out I got naked on the Internet when I was 22 or 23 But I still love this site and totally enjoy watching the girls and the sets and I think it's a great step in the liberation of sexuality and freedom of speech for women. I found a reason to finish law school and get into it. I want to become a great politician and help my society to progress and go further and become better and better. My friend Ju and I will work together as a team for the PQ and maybe in 1 or 2 elections, you'll see our faces on posters in the streets and you might remember how passionate I was on that journal today and feel like you won't waste your vote voting for me or her. Or you might want to vote against us or fight against us and that's alright too. What I truly hope is that we can reach a few people or have a good and honest politic fight against the others.
I hope you won't decide to hate me because we don't share the same politic ideas and that you respect my point of view as much as I respect yours.
Let me share with you a few of my mentors and politicians I respect and love and admire:
Ren Lvesque: Aug. 24th 1922-Nov. 1st 1987. Prime minister from 1976 to 1984... RIP, You are my hero Ren, la prochaine fois
Jacques Parizeau: Aug. 9th, 1930 - ... Prime minister from Sept. 12th 1994 to Jan. 29th, 1996.
Andr Boislcair: April 14th, 1966 - ... Chief of Parti Qubcois since Nov. 15th, 2005. PQ's leader for 2007 Quebec elections.
EDIT ON TUESDAY NIGHT: That's it!!! Arielle is gonna move in here!!!!
Hmmm... I really don't know... You might have to send me some shipping costs so I can compare.
And thank you baby!!! I'm sure my girl and our friends will appreciate the compliment (can you believe they have complexes?!?!?!)