Hey everyone!
I'm sick, not like I have the flu or that I puke or something like that. I'm really sick.
I went through a battery of tests and they don't know what I have. They know I have a urinary infection and I'm being treated for that, but they have no clue for the other symptoms. I sleep 13 or 14h a night, then I have 3 or 4 hour naps during the day and all I can do is watching movies or tv. We know it's not mononucleosis cuz my glands aren't swelling and it didn't show in my blood tests. And I can barely eat cuz I have nausea all day long... I force myself to eat because without eating I can't heal and I have to eat when I take my medication for my infection.
I lost fucking loads of weight! Which is good lol cuz I wanted to. But I'm tired of feeling ill ann I'm usually really active and being stuck in my bed since Saturday night is getting on my nerves now.
Thank you for all your nice comments about my hair... though I find it a lil weird because I'm not straight haired, it's just how the hair dresser did my hair and I'm not doing it everyday because it takes me about 90 min and it's almost never like I want it. So I'm back to curly, which is also my natural hair, and I'm happy with it. Sorry for those who thinks it fits me better when I have straight hair.
Anyway, have a nice day and if you have any idea of I can do to stoping so bored, let me know (no, masturbation is not an option, I've never been so off in my entire life lol)
Lizy 6x6x6x
I'm sick, not like I have the flu or that I puke or something like that. I'm really sick.
I went through a battery of tests and they don't know what I have. They know I have a urinary infection and I'm being treated for that, but they have no clue for the other symptoms. I sleep 13 or 14h a night, then I have 3 or 4 hour naps during the day and all I can do is watching movies or tv. We know it's not mononucleosis cuz my glands aren't swelling and it didn't show in my blood tests. And I can barely eat cuz I have nausea all day long... I force myself to eat because without eating I can't heal and I have to eat when I take my medication for my infection.
I lost fucking loads of weight! Which is good lol cuz I wanted to. But I'm tired of feeling ill ann I'm usually really active and being stuck in my bed since Saturday night is getting on my nerves now.
Thank you for all your nice comments about my hair... though I find it a lil weird because I'm not straight haired, it's just how the hair dresser did my hair and I'm not doing it everyday because it takes me about 90 min and it's almost never like I want it. So I'm back to curly, which is also my natural hair, and I'm happy with it. Sorry for those who thinks it fits me better when I have straight hair.
Anyway, have a nice day and if you have any idea of I can do to stoping so bored, let me know (no, masturbation is not an option, I've never been so off in my entire life lol)
Lizy 6x6x6x
Come on, just do it.....you know you want to.
I'm excited now, if you move in together then I can give you both crap at the same time
Feel better yet????????????
Eat some cherry pie....it will either heal you, or kill you. A risk worth taking!