well, the law of laziness beat me to (ironically) posting again, damn these multi page journals
well, just as well i have sumthing to report!! i have a job interview this coming tuesday! it is indeed for a manchester based job, doing telephone bollox
the dude in the agency also said that my CV puts me in pretty good stead and the pay is decent too, so hopefully ill nail the interview (or the interviewer if all else fails
(jus kiddin sel :kiss
so people, wish me luck!!

well, just as well i have sumthing to report!! i have a job interview this coming tuesday! it is indeed for a manchester based job, doing telephone bollox

so people, wish me luck!!
Anyway, best of luck with the job interview dude
when u said that u were both moving near me i got all excited coz i thought that u meant america but then i clocked on to what u were chatten about.
i thought liverpool was supposed to be very kewl ?