I know I've fallen off the interweb map, but it's only because I've been busy trying to get a career and life started here in NYC, and before that I was crazy on the road. One of these days I'll be back to having free time, in the meantime here are the first round draft picks of my headshots. These have all gone off to the photofairy for checks and touches. Miss all your interweb faces bunches.

I know I've fallen off the interweb map, but it's only because I've been busy trying to get a career and life started here in NYC, and before that I was crazy on the road. One of these days I'll be back to having free time, in the meantime here are the first round draft picks of my headshots. These have all gone off to the photofairy for checks and touches. Miss all your interweb faces bunches.

when are you coming over, she asks again? fuck photos.