Well it's been a while since I posted anything again. I've been really busy. Working has sucked up a lot of time, but I've also been writting a lot of music and recording some full songs. I might post a link to a blog I have going that has some links to a few songs I've tracked. The last person I know in this city just moved to Germany, so I'm officialy alone here. But thats okay, because I'm moving back to downtown Seattle in a few months. I'm also going to see Crossfade and Strata in a few weeks, so I'm totally stoked about that. More so for Strata, but yeah. It's cool. Got a raise at work, won some awards and merits and crap there too. I didn't even know that gave that kind of stuff out, but whatever. But I'm making some linguine at the moment, so I'm gonna go finish that and eat. If you're reading this, leave me a line. Havn't talked to anyone on here in a while. How's things??

I stumbled across your journal and noticed your art. I just wanted to say that your drawings are very striking. I especially like Mary & Breakfast in Bed. Quite impressive.