I've come to the realization today, that I am a very big smart-ass. I'm not sure where I got it from. I'm not really all that smart and I don't even have an ass. Neither of my parents were smart-asses. Both of them have asses I guess, and I guess are somewhat smart. They know a few things, but weren't to quick witted when it came to money. They once went to Las Vegas with 900 dollars and came back with nothing but their clothes and toiletries. Not even a t-shirt from a store down there. Smart? I don't think so. But hey, that's being judgmental now isn't it guys? God, I'm sick of people telling me that. If someone ever tells you that you are judgmental, tell them to suck your dick (yes, ladies you can say it too, you get more of a reaction) because when someone says that, guess what they are doing? I'll give you a minute to mull that over...Thats right, they are judging you. Bastards. So, I don't like this or that... Shut up already. It's not like I'm protesting in front of some building or passing out flyers. I keep my mouth shut or write about it in these things. Wait, no I don't. I never write in these things and I always voice my opinion. Oh well, shut up anyways. I'm sure, no, I know, that there are a lot of things you like or don't like that I disagree with. Guess what? I don't call you an asshole every time. Sometimes, yeah you are one. But hey, sometimes, lots of times in fact, so am I. Welcome to the human race buddy. If you don't like it, get out. Go do something productive like drowning yourself because really, the reason this world blows is because of people like me and you. I would kill myself, but I don't feel like getting up and don't have any available means at the present time. If you are this kind of person, just look away and stay out of my line of vision and we will get along fine. Looking back, this was a whole bunch of crap. Oh well, cleared my head a bit I guess. Shit. Now what am I going to do? Someone should buy me something and bring it to me. I like non-alcoholic beverages, pictures, books, slinkys, and clever things i.e. a candle the looks like a fishbowl and a ceramic cat looking over the edge or Bob Dole pez. I also accept full frontal nudity, candy, and hugs. Have a nice day now. Please pull up to the second window.
Thanks for accepting me as a friend.