Yeah....so I made a new Suicide Girls drawing, but after it was done I went to take a picture and post it on the albums page, and turns out my digital camera is broke. How peachy. So I guess no new shit for a while.
I woke up this morning and my alarmclock hadn't gone off...at all. Lucky me. I've pretty much hated my job for the last few months, and so instead of coming up with some excuse why I'm late (because the alarm clock has been a problem a lot already...) I just didn't go. I quit. The only thing is, I need money kinda for a few...
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Life's been being kind of a bitch here lately, so I havn't really felt like writing anything on here nor doing any thing else productive. Last night at like 3 in the morning I was kinda pissed off about something that came about with money and I started thinking about the whole concept of money and it's role in life and stuff and I ended...
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some people would rob their mother for the ends
Rat snitch on one another for the ends
Sometimes kids get murdered for the ends
So before we go any further I'm on my ends

Sorry, had to do it

I like your song.
how was your weekend?
What happened to all the people in the world that were worth saving in case of mass genocide? It seems as though everyone I talk to anymore is pretty much a complete idiot. I'm a gigantic smartass and I don't like many people anyways for completely weird reasons...but still whatever
that drawing that you did of Mary is really amazing.

and you're right, most people i seem to come into contact with are also huge idiots. most.
They're worth saving anyway, because without them, we'd have nothing to compare ourselves to so we'd know we're smart. Right? Welcome to Punk Rock Girl Scout Logic 101. wink
[4:05am] Just about done with a picture of Mary (yeah, the SG one) that I started about an hour ago so I'll probably post that in a bit. Also last night I finally got some free time to finish the song I started writing. So tomorrow I don't have to work and I'll finish recording it and post a downloadable link to it probably. Also,...
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so what's the deal with you? You commented on my pic, and seemed like you didn't want to say what you were thinking? just curious smile
that pic you drew was amazing! i love it!
you are really great at drawing! wink
Fuck...my mind is blank. I have that high pitched ringing that silence makes in my head right now. I feel like writing something very interesting or in depth, but I have nothing clicking. Someone give me a topic...
Snow....I don't care much for snow. Actually yeah, I hate it. We had a blizzard on my way home tonight. Check out the snow on my deck in my pics. And then tomorrow it's supposed to be 30 below zero frown Ah jeeze....
A few nights ago I couldn't sleep. So I got up and sat on the floor in the light of the moon reflecting off the foot of snow on the ground and starting writing a song on the guitar. I scribbled out some thoughts and one liners onto a piece of paper and started to slowly write a full song. Tonight I started recording it...
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Bought some clothes from the SG store. In my pictures section. Yay for me and make yay for you too. Support this site and pimp your ass out biggrin God I hate the word "pimp"..... Nothing cool going on in life at the moment, so this is my journal for the day. K bye. shocked
your art is amazing... absolutely amazing. smile

i also like that picture in your other folder that is labeled [scream]