Where do you draw the line between assuming something and coming to the conclusion of it?!
I'm awake now because something someone is doing to me is eating away at me. I know it shouldn't, but it is 1 of those things that creeps up on your every now and again.
I made some mistakes with an individual, but instead of him being upfront and honest with me he tells me he will give me another chance. Which, so far that has become a lie. There is no 2nd chance, and it appears that he is blowing me off and just outright ignoring me.
I asked if he really didn't want to give me another chance to just tell me. That I'd appreciate knowing. He wont even give me that much.
He always told me not to assume. Everyone tells me not to assume, but when you go this long without responding at all it makes it suspecious.
Now I can make my own little theory, but I'm not supposed to assume.
It isn't so much because I am hurt because it was this guy, so much as I am so very hurt that I keep getting treated this way. Maybe it is my fault, but I don't want to keep getting lied to about it. If I make a mistake, tell me...Don't just automatically write me off and tell me everything is ok, when you secretly want nothing more to do with me. I can't fix things, I can't change, I can't be better unless people let me know something needs to be worked on at the time when I am doing it.
No one should have to tell me later...well you probably shouldn't have done that...
I hate boys...they lie...they cause pain...and they lie...
At this rate I am seriously not going to make it to 30...I truely am worried about this.
I'm awake now because something someone is doing to me is eating away at me. I know it shouldn't, but it is 1 of those things that creeps up on your every now and again.
I made some mistakes with an individual, but instead of him being upfront and honest with me he tells me he will give me another chance. Which, so far that has become a lie. There is no 2nd chance, and it appears that he is blowing me off and just outright ignoring me.
I asked if he really didn't want to give me another chance to just tell me. That I'd appreciate knowing. He wont even give me that much.
He always told me not to assume. Everyone tells me not to assume, but when you go this long without responding at all it makes it suspecious.
Now I can make my own little theory, but I'm not supposed to assume.
It isn't so much because I am hurt because it was this guy, so much as I am so very hurt that I keep getting treated this way. Maybe it is my fault, but I don't want to keep getting lied to about it. If I make a mistake, tell me...Don't just automatically write me off and tell me everything is ok, when you secretly want nothing more to do with me. I can't fix things, I can't change, I can't be better unless people let me know something needs to be worked on at the time when I am doing it.
No one should have to tell me later...well you probably shouldn't have done that...
I hate boys...they lie...they cause pain...and they lie...
At this rate I am seriously not going to make it to 30...I truely am worried about this.
Also, if you ever did anything to ever hurt him he will hang that over your head as something to lead you on more. Trust me, none of thise things are in a good relationship and once they enter most likely it is better off to leave and find someone who you can really trust...