From kitsu


Thanks sweetie for the love on my set 💖

You're so welcome my dear. I would like to see you pink and cross my fingers for you.

From marlene


this set has a lot of 90's vibes for sure! I love it too, thanks a lot!

You're so welcome. I've got still a smile, thinking on it  :-)

From kioui


Thank you for your love and support on my set 😻

Pour mois, c'est cocasse, parfait et absolument merveilleux.
C'est très gentil !

From ozzora


Thanks for you're love on my new set 🙏🙏❤️

Thank you for your lovely feedback. I really appreciate that.

From mist


Thanks for all the support you gave me! I'm really glad you liked my set this much!!

You're so welcome and I hope the make you pink!

From venzo


Thank you so much for your love on my first set, you made me very happy 💗🛸

You're so welcome. Wow, you've got allready more than 2000 likes!

I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for the love and support you have shown me!  Thank you for your sweet kind words on my set!!!   I normally wear a bow in my hair everyday!   😉😚💋🖤

Hi Stomienightt. Thank you for your lovely feedback, I really appreciate it. Wearing a bow in the hair makes you so wonderful unique. It's a small but beautiful femal accessorie. I wish you a pleasant weekend and of course, a pink banner on top of your SG profile.

Hi 🥰 Hope you ok 💕 Thank you so much for your support on my last set.I will continue posting stuff for the adorable and supportive person you are 🖤 please have a good day


Hi 🥰 Hope you ok 💕 Thank you so much for your support on my last set.I will continue posting stuff for the adorable, fellow and supportive member you are 🖤 please have a good day

Thank you for your nice feedback and all the best to you too.

From midna


Thank you so much for the love on my last set ❤️

You're so welcome and the love is verry well deserved.

From silky


Thanks for the love ! <3 your words made me really feel wonderful! thank you for being so amazing ! <3 <3 xo

From silky


Thank you for saying such kind words on my set! It really made my day ! 🧡🧡🧡 xoxoxo 🥰

From silky


Thank you for the love! Your kind words made me smile and really made my day! Thank you ! 😻😻

Your set made my day and I'm glad to know, that I made yours. You're so welcome and the nice words are really deserved!

From marlene


If i brought some colors in your life then my job here is doooone haha ❤️

It's allways a pure joy to see a new set from you. Especially your new one, with these beautiful colours made my day.

From chroi


It's great to be back and thanks for your support on my new set Chroi vs. Evil Dead. Much appreciated x💋

You're so welcome.

From helynn


Thanks for your support on my last set "Under The Sheets" <3

You're so welcome and every single like is really deserved. By the way: I like your beautiful profile picture!

From kioui


Thanks for your love and support on my set ❤️

You're so welcome and every single like is really deserved.