1) The DFS hearing to determine whether I owe $32,300 in unpaid back child support (I don't) was held today. The good news is that we got our motion for continuance (rescheduling) granted, since the DFS didn't provide us with a copy of the form my ex-wife submitted stating how much child support she has received from me since the divorce. The bad news is a) the hearing officer really wanted to have the hearing anyway, based solely on the say so of the DFS officer. My attorney repeatedly stated that we were not provided a copy of the form on question, but the hearing officer didn't understand why that was a problem. Also, b) my ex-wife under-reported the amount she has received from me by about $5 thousand. The hearing will now occur around the last week of January/first week of February.
2) My son G got his first shot of testosterone today! G came out as transgender about a year and a half ago. We had looked into getting him started on T about 8 months ago, but I was erroneously led to believe that T shots would cost something on the order of $2000-3000 per month. I learned in November that that was not the case. December was spent gathering documentation. G will be getting T shots every two weeks. I am looking forward to seeing when the changes start to occur. I told him I would tach him to shave when he starts growing facial hair.
3) After the company that handles my workplace's payroll screwed up last week and didn't pay anyone, I finally got my paycheck today. Payday = bill paying day. Got everything either paid or funds allocated (I only get paid once per month) and I have just enough to live on for the rest of the month. If I'm really lucky, I'll be able to afford my birthday party this weekend.