1) Had an argument with my ex- over my son. We might be changing our custody arrangement more in my favor and she is not pleased. Mostly, though, she said that if he was going to be living more with me that I needed to be in charge with his homeschooling. So, I contacted a friend who homeschools her kids and asked after resources. We're getting together this weekend to teach me about what they use.
2) Scheduled our sole music rehearsal for the play. Emailed the company photographer to set up a time to shoot for the commemorative poster (we raffle off signed copies at each performance).
3) Saw The Visit. I won't say that M Knight is back, but The Visit definitely did not suck.
4) Two friends of mine just broke up. I spend some time chatting with her and offering what support I could. I made her laugh so there was that.
5) Work stuff, but it would take too long to try to explain.
How was your day?