Weight: 341.2 (+0.8 from Day 0)
Fasting Blood Sugar: 216 (-65 from Day 0)
Meal 1: Vegetable soup
Meal 2: Chicken/sun-dried tomato and salad
Meal 3: Deconstructed pizza and salad
Meal 4: chicken & broccoli w/ lots of hot sauce (trying to mimic Gen Tso, since that's my go to sick food)
Beverages/snacks: 2 cup hot tea, cashews, strawberries, water
Notes from Day 2
1) Whole30 while sick is not fun. I never realized how many of my go to sick foods were carb or sugar based.
2) Whole30 while sick can also be pretty easy, if you just sleep in between meal times.
3) Why do I have so many carb-based foods in my house!!!???