A friend of my throws an annual New Year's party at a local theater space: potluck, dancing, drinking, board games, champagne toast. Most of my friends attend. For some it's the only party they attend all year. I've been planning on attending. Made arrangement for my son to sleep elsewhere, etc. Twenty minutes in I was hit with...well, I don't want to be TMI about it, but I had to make a made dash to the rest room. And realized I was not going to be able to do this party.
I had half a drink, half a conversation with a friend from out of town, and hugged a few people. I missed spending time with another close, out of town friend, missed dancing with a close in town friend who never comes out, missed flirting with a vision of loveliness I spied while making my goodbyes.
Now I am home with symptoms of either food poisoning, an allergic reaction, or both. I've brewed tea, taken Benedryl, and had another bathroom trip. I am not at all pleased with this situation. 2014 was a shite year and I guess this is its last swipe at me before 2015.