It's been over six months since I was in a show. (I guess technically, that's not true, since I was in 3 performances of two 10-minute plays in February, but it doesn't seem to count.) In the last couple of years, I've been limiting my acting to shows that I've fallen in love with or feel are important. I'm a big enough fish in my particular pond that I can pick and choose my shows. But if I go too long without performing I get all cranky...and I am definitely at that point.
There are two shows coming up this fall and winter at one of the local production companies (Talking Horse Production in Columbia MO, if anyone wants to google them) that I am very excited about. One is an newer adaptation of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde; the other is a meditation on acting called Circle Mirror Transformation. I am considering applying to direct the latter (if accepted it will be my directorial debut).
I really can't wait until fall, however, to do something. I'm about to go nuts as it is. The Maplewood Barn Theatre (Columbia MO) is auditioning for Julius Caesar next week. The week after, Talking Horse is auditioning for something called Bingo! The Winning Musical. The thing is, I hate Shakespeare (with the exceptions of Richard III and Macbeth) and I am sick of musicals. So what is a poor, spoiled, frustrated theater boy to do?
I am going to audition for JC. I mean, I can hardly call myself an actor unless I've performed Shakespeare outdoors in the hot sun, avoiding swallowing flying insects, no?