Good day yesterday
1) went to check out the other apartment, waited for about 45 minutes for the building manager to show up. I hung out with a young family of three, who were going to look at the 2 bedroom that was available. Cute kid, kids can be awesome.
a) the building was awesome. It was an old Schoolhouse built in 1914. Big thick walls, stone and brick, SOLID. Maybe it's haunted!
b) I never got to see the insides, the building manager finally showed up and said that he was so sorry, as he first approached the buidling (35 minutes prior) he realized he had the wrong set of keys. he drove back to his office, then his house, and realized that the keys he needed were in the hands (or rather, the truck) of his business partner.
As an apology for having kept us waiting, he said that ANYTIME Monday or Tuesday we could call his cell and he'd be at the building (with the key) within 5 minutes. So I have to wait til tomorrow after work. Big whoop.
2) I went to Borders, got my usual, and wrote for a number of hours on this story proposal for DC that I'm collaborating on with a friend. The rest of the day was spent hanging out with said friend, smoothing a few points of the story out, and watching (ah what the hell did we watch? i cna't remember. some movie, after the kids went to bed)
a) His oldest daughter (she's 10) was sleeping over at a friends when she woke up and started throwing up. She came back home at roughly 12:30, crying and looking embarrased. Poor kid, I remember being about that age, getting sick and not getting to the toilet in time. Your'e sick, for one, and you feel ashamed for getting vomit wherever vomit's not supposed to be. and since you're sick, you can't relly focus to get that shame and embarrasment out of your head long enough to realize that no one else really cares, they're concerned about getting you better. Poor kid might have been slightly delierious.
I called this morning, and she's, well, she's still sick, but better than she was last night.
It wasn't a raucaus night of wild crazyness. Working on a story, watching a movie, and friend's kids getting sick, then home.
And today, jeez, I got up at 12:30. My day is almost gone already, so it looks like all I'll be doing today is laundry. Fuck! I hate it when part of the precious weekened gets reduced like this. Bleh.
Must try to work in some GOOD into this day. I wonder what I should do....
Curent iTunes song: transition between: Run Fay Run by Isaac Hayes and Let's Fuck by the Dwarves
mid-Day (late afternoon) update:
Oh, such an intense day. Wake up at 12:30, have half a bowl of Store Brand Sugar-Smacks, start laundry and cleaning. Such a wonderful day.
such a truly wonderful Great... Day...

1) went to check out the other apartment, waited for about 45 minutes for the building manager to show up. I hung out with a young family of three, who were going to look at the 2 bedroom that was available. Cute kid, kids can be awesome.
a) the building was awesome. It was an old Schoolhouse built in 1914. Big thick walls, stone and brick, SOLID. Maybe it's haunted!
b) I never got to see the insides, the building manager finally showed up and said that he was so sorry, as he first approached the buidling (35 minutes prior) he realized he had the wrong set of keys. he drove back to his office, then his house, and realized that the keys he needed were in the hands (or rather, the truck) of his business partner.
As an apology for having kept us waiting, he said that ANYTIME Monday or Tuesday we could call his cell and he'd be at the building (with the key) within 5 minutes. So I have to wait til tomorrow after work. Big whoop.
2) I went to Borders, got my usual, and wrote for a number of hours on this story proposal for DC that I'm collaborating on with a friend. The rest of the day was spent hanging out with said friend, smoothing a few points of the story out, and watching (ah what the hell did we watch? i cna't remember. some movie, after the kids went to bed)
a) His oldest daughter (she's 10) was sleeping over at a friends when she woke up and started throwing up. She came back home at roughly 12:30, crying and looking embarrased. Poor kid, I remember being about that age, getting sick and not getting to the toilet in time. Your'e sick, for one, and you feel ashamed for getting vomit wherever vomit's not supposed to be. and since you're sick, you can't relly focus to get that shame and embarrasment out of your head long enough to realize that no one else really cares, they're concerned about getting you better. Poor kid might have been slightly delierious.
I called this morning, and she's, well, she's still sick, but better than she was last night.
It wasn't a raucaus night of wild crazyness. Working on a story, watching a movie, and friend's kids getting sick, then home.
And today, jeez, I got up at 12:30. My day is almost gone already, so it looks like all I'll be doing today is laundry. Fuck! I hate it when part of the precious weekened gets reduced like this. Bleh.
Must try to work in some GOOD into this day. I wonder what I should do....
Curent iTunes song: transition between: Run Fay Run by Isaac Hayes and Let's Fuck by the Dwarves
mid-Day (late afternoon) update:
Oh, such an intense day. Wake up at 12:30, have half a bowl of Store Brand Sugar-Smacks, start laundry and cleaning. Such a wonderful day.
such a truly wonderful Great... Day...

look like he came dressed
wrong for a Klan meeting?