My Ebay auctions ended yesterday. Today was spent emailing 30 high bid placers their invoices (which I have to calculate postage, addres any questions concerns they have etc..)
It took me 6 freaking hours. I'm on Dial up. God Damn slow ass internet access...
I'm gonna finish the day drinking something, and watching "Eternal Sunshine of th Spotless Mind". Me likes the special insanity that is a Charlie Kaufman movie.
Well my buttons were pretty well received, but I don't think they'll work as 1" buttons. I think the designs are too complex to appear at that size. but you can be the judge.
The air is getting cold and the wind is picking up, but tthere's STILL TONS OF LEAVES ON THE TREES! Fucking awesome. The Fall is the best damn time of the year. I love it. It' sjust too bad it has to END with 2-4 weeks of muddy wet crappy leaf-lessness, and then Winter.
Just gotta enjoy it while I can.
Playin on itunes this very instant:
Hungry like the Wolf by Duran Duran. (Yes, I have a few "cheese rock" tunes onhere. adds some variety)
It took me 6 freaking hours. I'm on Dial up. God Damn slow ass internet access...
I'm gonna finish the day drinking something, and watching "Eternal Sunshine of th Spotless Mind". Me likes the special insanity that is a Charlie Kaufman movie.
Well my buttons were pretty well received, but I don't think they'll work as 1" buttons. I think the designs are too complex to appear at that size. but you can be the judge.
The air is getting cold and the wind is picking up, but tthere's STILL TONS OF LEAVES ON THE TREES! Fucking awesome. The Fall is the best damn time of the year. I love it. It' sjust too bad it has to END with 2-4 weeks of muddy wet crappy leaf-lessness, and then Winter.

Playin on itunes this very instant:
Hungry like the Wolf by Duran Duran. (Yes, I have a few "cheese rock" tunes onhere. adds some variety)
PRETTY: hahaha ugly glasses sweet. is that like the opposite of beer goggles?