Story thus far: I have to move everything out of my apartment and clean it by Nov. 1
Yesterday: Got screwed; I was not able to get a 10' moving truck to empty out my apartment of all bulky things going to storage. Only got about half of everything over there. (Note: I will say, it's a good half to have over there. Couch, lots of heavy boxes, etc.) Booked a moving truck for Monday morning so I can get (1) Queen size bed & boxspring; (2) large bookcase (3) small bookcase, among other bric-a-brac
- massive amounts of cleaning...
- sorting things into "throw away" and "recycle"... judging said items with EXTREME PREJUDICE. (example: tossing a 2 drawer Filing Cabinet. yeah. Everything I had in there fit into one Cardboard File-box, so guess how I'll be storing files for the next year?)
Monday: (the day I'm SUPPOSED to be completely out of the apartment:
- Call in sick (or take the morning off) to work.
- Get to Rental Truck place at 8am. get truck.
- get to apartment. Load truck (by myself) of all the crap I have in the apartment (all the stuff listed in the "Yesterday" section) plus any stuff I manage to get ready to go into storage today.
- Take all crap back to Storage place, empty Truck and pack storage space.
- Return truck
- Take bus home, or to work (depending on the time) OR Collapse.
Can't wait for this shit to be over with.

Yesterday: Got screwed; I was not able to get a 10' moving truck to empty out my apartment of all bulky things going to storage. Only got about half of everything over there. (Note: I will say, it's a good half to have over there. Couch, lots of heavy boxes, etc.) Booked a moving truck for Monday morning so I can get (1) Queen size bed & boxspring; (2) large bookcase (3) small bookcase, among other bric-a-brac
- massive amounts of cleaning...
- sorting things into "throw away" and "recycle"... judging said items with EXTREME PREJUDICE. (example: tossing a 2 drawer Filing Cabinet. yeah. Everything I had in there fit into one Cardboard File-box, so guess how I'll be storing files for the next year?)
Monday: (the day I'm SUPPOSED to be completely out of the apartment:
- Call in sick (or take the morning off) to work.
- Get to Rental Truck place at 8am. get truck.
- get to apartment. Load truck (by myself) of all the crap I have in the apartment (all the stuff listed in the "Yesterday" section) plus any stuff I manage to get ready to go into storage today.
- Take all crap back to Storage place, empty Truck and pack storage space.
- Return truck
- Take bus home, or to work (depending on the time) OR Collapse.
Can't wait for this shit to be over with.