Ugh. had a shitty fucking day at work...
Bitch of a woman tore me a new asshole for shit I didn't do, and tons of people tried to rip me off.
It only sucked while I was working though
I checked email and all that goodness everychance I had, and I had a lovely chat with the never boring, always dangerous Bryn on me lunchbreak. Yarr. It be a good day in that respect.
The weather now is fucking amazing. It's night, and it's warm! I think I'll take a nice nighttime stroll down at the lake before I hit the hay tongiht. (It'll probably be my last chance until the Spring...)
Song of the Moment: "Theme Song/ Playdough" by the Aquabats. ROCK!

Bitch of a woman tore me a new asshole for shit I didn't do, and tons of people tried to rip me off.
It only sucked while I was working though

The weather now is fucking amazing. It's night, and it's warm! I think I'll take a nice nighttime stroll down at the lake before I hit the hay tongiht. (It'll probably be my last chance until the Spring...)
Song of the Moment: "Theme Song/ Playdough" by the Aquabats. ROCK!
I don't think it's your fault .. AOL 9.0 still has it's bugs.
Is everything Ok on your end?
My end has been effin hectic!