Well, work is still taking more out of me than I'm getting out of it.
I'm still stuck in a town where I don't want to be...
But I'm not going to talk about that now. I'm going to talk about a book ("Oh jeez, he's going into commercial mode again")
I just read "American Gods" this week. Novel by Neil Gaiman.
Fuck, this book was good. It tied up ancient religeon and mythologies and folklore, and mixed it all togther into a setting of modern day America.
A Big Fucking "WHAT IF"... What if all the Gods, Demons, Legends & Heroes that people have worshiped and idolized in thier home countries... Came WITH them when they crossed the oceans to America? And What has happened to them over the centuries, as new gods...Industry, Technology, Media, Conspiracy... have come into play and pushed the old blood out? Figures from dozens of differnt cultures are featured in this book. Egyptian, African, Native American, Norse, Indian, Russian, Middle Eastern, I could go on...
This was such a page turner...and as more questions were answered, a lot were left unanswered...or only HINTED at answers...
It was also interesting, in that I've been thinking about comparitive mythology/religion/folklore as well, trying to weave it into a story as Mr Gaiman has. And While American Gods and my own "as-of-yet-unnamed project" are fueled by a similar concept... It's refreshing to see that they're completely different.
(It sucks when you come up with an idea that you think is so cool and original...then some sucessful writer comes along and writes a novel or movie and bascically unwittingly gives you a big ol middle finger)
But that didn't happen! Which really releives me. Same "comparive mythology" concept, totally different execution.
Anyway, I wholeheartedly recommend American Gods. It's in money-friendly paperback form now!
Hooray for affordable books!
I'm still stuck in a town where I don't want to be...
But I'm not going to talk about that now. I'm going to talk about a book ("Oh jeez, he's going into commercial mode again")
I just read "American Gods" this week. Novel by Neil Gaiman.
Fuck, this book was good. It tied up ancient religeon and mythologies and folklore, and mixed it all togther into a setting of modern day America.
A Big Fucking "WHAT IF"... What if all the Gods, Demons, Legends & Heroes that people have worshiped and idolized in thier home countries... Came WITH them when they crossed the oceans to America? And What has happened to them over the centuries, as new gods...Industry, Technology, Media, Conspiracy... have come into play and pushed the old blood out? Figures from dozens of differnt cultures are featured in this book. Egyptian, African, Native American, Norse, Indian, Russian, Middle Eastern, I could go on...
This was such a page turner...and as more questions were answered, a lot were left unanswered...or only HINTED at answers...
It was also interesting, in that I've been thinking about comparitive mythology/religion/folklore as well, trying to weave it into a story as Mr Gaiman has. And While American Gods and my own "as-of-yet-unnamed project" are fueled by a similar concept... It's refreshing to see that they're completely different.
(It sucks when you come up with an idea that you think is so cool and original...then some sucessful writer comes along and writes a novel or movie and bascically unwittingly gives you a big ol middle finger)
But that didn't happen! Which really releives me. Same "comparive mythology" concept, totally different execution.
Anyway, I wholeheartedly recommend American Gods. It's in money-friendly paperback form now!

Give me a call this week.