(just so you all know, I'm totally knackered thorugh lack of sleep...and being presently wired with some caffene and a full stomach. So it'll be a pretty rambling, misspelt and metaphor filled Journal today. Some parts of me are tired and some parts of me arnet. Can't figure out which)
Holey Crist on a slice of toast with some Eggs or somthing or other...
Just drove back from Philly (well, not JUST now...a while ago... like a few hours). A great time was had there, even if it was a little turbulent at times (to hell with CR... hit him about the head with old fish and flipflops...
) , and lack of sleep was had (not the fault of the excellent hostess...but rather roomates from hell...)
I can't say it all. much of it, well it's not my place to say. It's like, personal and it's not my bsnuess and all that. And the other bits are just too annoying to recount. Fekkin scrawny ass blabbermouth...yammering away

But all tiredness aside, It was a great time.
Actaully got to meet a lot of cool-ass people (I acutally met them on the 4th...but my mind was out of order that night), swapped stories and witnessed some PURE fucking genious talent.
Missed out on some pretty intense shizzyte (which ain't anyones' bizznes)... Lost sleep, got Coffee...Did a LOT of writing (planning) for the groundwork for this Modern Day Mythology story I've been cooking on thebackburner for a while,
I got this kickass book called " A Feild Guid to Demons" It's a book that describes the folklore root of all sorts of demons from differny cultures and realms (like, Fire, Water, Psyche, Etc.) Which helped grease the wheels of the Mythology story...
TNS showed up the next day, Awesome to see him again...It was a Grand ole PoonRock reunion. Much swpping of CD's and knicknacks were, errr. I mean, HAD happened. OR did happen. OK, my tenses are all off...
All watched 28 DAYS LATER with the ALTERNATE ENDING! Oh...so sad, and (while not as bloody as I thought) still very wonderful. A sad yet really well done extra bit that proved to me that this movie did everything that I didn't expect.
We couldnt sneak into seeing the extra scene at the end of "Pirates" though...DOH!!! Have to go see that one again...
Thank-a you, Mad Cap'n Bryn (Mad in a good way
), for a good time of lunacy and...uh, good times!
The darkened skys before you will clear up and the seas will grow calm soon. Tough out the storm...and KILL those fucking oomate-rays!
I'll help!...Oh, and next time I'll just shuffle my parking spaces happily...
THX to TNS, GLAD TO HEAR things went allright for you on the way home. (I was worried about travel today, see later in journal) Thigns will gt sorted out for you. Shit awlays gets jumbled up and shaken around but it all settles down eventually.
An me...Wow. It was one hell of a drive. Said me farewells to Bryn, Dropped TNS off at the Train station (which was RIGHT near the highway I needed to take home) and drove drove drove.
Last time I drove home it was great. This time...I was so damned worn out. Also, my car was making this FUCKED UP NOISE!!!! I saw all sorts of cars on the highway...both to and from Philly...stranded on the side of the road, no people inside, broken down...LOTS. Lots. I was really worried that this was a bad day for travel. I worried about TNS, wondering if the train system was going to fuck him out of a trip, or my car breaking down, or Bryn uhh...Bryn maybe stubbing her toe on the 1/2 block walk back to her apartment.. heheh
I was really out of it...determined to get home...I was thinking of stopping and checking it (see how the fluid levels were), but last time something like this happened, I stopped the car and it ddin't start up again...
It wound up just being oil. It was very low (my car loves to drink up her oil in large gulps. Greedy greedy car)
I think that's it. As I said before, I'm really wiped out. so I'm most likely forgetting all sorts of stuff.
Smileys for ma' peeps!
TNS= \m/,
,\m/ (did I do that right?)
All the fucking awesome Philly folk (who aren't on SG) =
To CR and the Hyperbastard =
Nighty night kids...
((ohh my ass hurts...
FROM THE DRIVING! My ass hurts because of ALL THE DRIVING! get your minds out of the gutter!
**shakes fist**
Holey Crist on a slice of toast with some Eggs or somthing or other...
Just drove back from Philly (well, not JUST now...a while ago... like a few hours). A great time was had there, even if it was a little turbulent at times (to hell with CR... hit him about the head with old fish and flipflops...

I can't say it all. much of it, well it's not my place to say. It's like, personal and it's not my bsnuess and all that. And the other bits are just too annoying to recount. Fekkin scrawny ass blabbermouth...yammering away

But all tiredness aside, It was a great time.
Actaully got to meet a lot of cool-ass people (I acutally met them on the 4th...but my mind was out of order that night), swapped stories and witnessed some PURE fucking genious talent.
Missed out on some pretty intense shizzyte (which ain't anyones' bizznes)... Lost sleep, got Coffee...Did a LOT of writing (planning) for the groundwork for this Modern Day Mythology story I've been cooking on thebackburner for a while,
I got this kickass book called " A Feild Guid to Demons" It's a book that describes the folklore root of all sorts of demons from differny cultures and realms (like, Fire, Water, Psyche, Etc.) Which helped grease the wheels of the Mythology story...
TNS showed up the next day, Awesome to see him again...It was a Grand ole PoonRock reunion. Much swpping of CD's and knicknacks were, errr. I mean, HAD happened. OR did happen. OK, my tenses are all off...
All watched 28 DAYS LATER with the ALTERNATE ENDING! Oh...so sad, and (while not as bloody as I thought) still very wonderful. A sad yet really well done extra bit that proved to me that this movie did everything that I didn't expect.
We couldnt sneak into seeing the extra scene at the end of "Pirates" though...DOH!!! Have to go see that one again...
Thank-a you, Mad Cap'n Bryn (Mad in a good way

THX to TNS, GLAD TO HEAR things went allright for you on the way home. (I was worried about travel today, see later in journal) Thigns will gt sorted out for you. Shit awlays gets jumbled up and shaken around but it all settles down eventually.
An me...Wow. It was one hell of a drive. Said me farewells to Bryn, Dropped TNS off at the Train station (which was RIGHT near the highway I needed to take home) and drove drove drove.
Last time I drove home it was great. This time...I was so damned worn out. Also, my car was making this FUCKED UP NOISE!!!! I saw all sorts of cars on the highway...both to and from Philly...stranded on the side of the road, no people inside, broken down...LOTS. Lots. I was really worried that this was a bad day for travel. I worried about TNS, wondering if the train system was going to fuck him out of a trip, or my car breaking down, or Bryn uhh...Bryn maybe stubbing her toe on the 1/2 block walk back to her apartment.. heheh

I was really out of it...determined to get home...I was thinking of stopping and checking it (see how the fluid levels were), but last time something like this happened, I stopped the car and it ddin't start up again...


It wound up just being oil. It was very low (my car loves to drink up her oil in large gulps. Greedy greedy car)
I think that's it. As I said before, I'm really wiped out. so I'm most likely forgetting all sorts of stuff.
Smileys for ma' peeps!

TNS= \m/,

All the fucking awesome Philly folk (who aren't on SG) =

To CR and the Hyperbastard =

Nighty night kids...
((ohh my ass hurts...
FROM THE DRIVING! My ass hurts because of ALL THE DRIVING! get your minds out of the gutter!
**shakes fist**

and to CR and ANDY [its ok, cause if theres a psycho out there who really wants to find out who he is and kill him, theyre welcome to it]: DIEDIEDIE!!!!!!!
[Edited on Aug 02, 2003]
Did I say Thank you yet