Allo, just got up. Slept pretty well, but I don't feel all well rested. Dream was pretty fucked up.
I was at a pawn shop in an older, kinda forgotten mall outside of Syracuse. At the shop was a brand new digital camera, but for an insanley low price. Being that I only have the disposable cameras for use (my previous camera bit the dust long ago) I figure it wouldn't hurt to pic it up.
((Right when I make the decision to buy the camera...the whole dream starts to slowly seem like a Stanley Kubrick or a David Lynch movie. sort of subtly disturbing...a sort of quiet surrealness...))
Anyway. I buy the camera, and the ever smiling clerk (whose eyes are fixed on a spot on the wall behind me...never looking at me or any of the other customers) hands the camera to me, with a carrycase and some extra batteries.
I turn it on, and try to use it. I notice that there are already pictures on it...but can't see what they are...the screen is all static, like poor reception on a TV. I take out the memory stick, blow on it (and the when your Old Nintendo system doesn't work) and pop it back in. There's all sorts of weird stuff stuck in there. Bits of a Straw wrapper, flakes of (what seem like) croissant (sp) rolls (or some sort of flaky baked good). Once I get it cleared out...I check the pictrues...
And the file names (Apparently I can view the filenames or the pitures. This is a dream) were named after me and my friends (friends on AND off SG)
At first I thought this camera belong to someone close to me...but then I saw the pictures...
The pictures started out looking like the beginnings of a studio project, people posing, holding props, etc. But as I scolled down, they went from art to subjects a lot more creepy... Each picture showed something progressivly more private thing... meeting with someone secretly, Leavig a building with packages, Having sex, and others showed what could be construed as illegal acts...hiding weapons, or evidence or whatnot... I was really scared...all these pictures were taken within the last 48 hours! Someone's been spying on my friends and me!
I went back to the strange clerk and demanded to see the records, to see who brough the camera to the pawn shop int he first place. The clerk was just staring at the back wall, smiling a smile that no human could smile.
Angry, I grabbed the lapels on his jacket...but couldnt get a grip because the clerk was made entirely of plastic or something...the paint started to crumble off him, leaving a white statue of the evil smiling clerk.
I look around teh store....all the other customers are now plastic statues, paint flaking off (they look like they're in pain or in shock...). There's one figure who is not a statue, wearing a maroon suit (or black...couldnt really tell for sure), holding the Firewire cables to the camera I just bought. Before I can get a good look at him(or her...couldnt tell) my Fucking Alarm clocks went off.
GRAAHHH! It was a very tense dream. Now I'm going to think that someone's been spying on me and my friends...
Song of the Moment: "Candyman Collapse" by Chris Connelly
I was at a pawn shop in an older, kinda forgotten mall outside of Syracuse. At the shop was a brand new digital camera, but for an insanley low price. Being that I only have the disposable cameras for use (my previous camera bit the dust long ago) I figure it wouldn't hurt to pic it up.
((Right when I make the decision to buy the camera...the whole dream starts to slowly seem like a Stanley Kubrick or a David Lynch movie. sort of subtly disturbing...a sort of quiet surrealness...))
Anyway. I buy the camera, and the ever smiling clerk (whose eyes are fixed on a spot on the wall behind me...never looking at me or any of the other customers) hands the camera to me, with a carrycase and some extra batteries.
I turn it on, and try to use it. I notice that there are already pictures on it...but can't see what they are...the screen is all static, like poor reception on a TV. I take out the memory stick, blow on it (and the when your Old Nintendo system doesn't work) and pop it back in. There's all sorts of weird stuff stuck in there. Bits of a Straw wrapper, flakes of (what seem like) croissant (sp) rolls (or some sort of flaky baked good). Once I get it cleared out...I check the pictrues...
And the file names (Apparently I can view the filenames or the pitures. This is a dream) were named after me and my friends (friends on AND off SG)

The pictures started out looking like the beginnings of a studio project, people posing, holding props, etc. But as I scolled down, they went from art to subjects a lot more creepy... Each picture showed something progressivly more private thing... meeting with someone secretly, Leavig a building with packages, Having sex, and others showed what could be construed as illegal acts...hiding weapons, or evidence or whatnot... I was really scared...all these pictures were taken within the last 48 hours! Someone's been spying on my friends and me!
I went back to the strange clerk and demanded to see the records, to see who brough the camera to the pawn shop int he first place. The clerk was just staring at the back wall, smiling a smile that no human could smile.
Angry, I grabbed the lapels on his jacket...but couldnt get a grip because the clerk was made entirely of plastic or something...the paint started to crumble off him, leaving a white statue of the evil smiling clerk.
I look around teh store....all the other customers are now plastic statues, paint flaking off (they look like they're in pain or in shock...). There's one figure who is not a statue, wearing a maroon suit (or black...couldnt really tell for sure), holding the Firewire cables to the camera I just bought. Before I can get a good look at him(or her...couldnt tell) my Fucking Alarm clocks went off.
GRAAHHH! It was a very tense dream. Now I'm going to think that someone's been spying on me and my friends...

Song of the Moment: "Candyman Collapse" by Chris Connelly
me too
