Jen: So... I'm probably not supposed to ask this... but do you like Jackie better than me?
You: No, you two are to different to compare.
Jen: Well, whats she like, is she hotter than me?
Jackie: Race you to the top of the stairs!
me: No pushing!
Jackie: Okay!
Jackie turns, leaps up and grabs the second landing, pulls herself up and bound over the railing just as I reach the first, then clears the five steps to the top in a single bound. she then turns to me and grins. I just start laughing. Everyone looks at her like she's cray-cray. she doesn't care.
me: You and her are nothing alike. You are calming. you are rational. and yes, you're hotter than her... But she's stronger and crazier than you will ever be.
Jen: she's stronger than me, huh? You sure?
me: can you pick me up and carry me over your shoulder?
Jen: She can do that?
me: Can you climb a building faster than running up the stairs? Are you willing to perform said feat in public?
Jen: *Defeated* oh.
me: Can you sit still for five minutes?
Jen: yeah...
me: Can you think through a situation before acting? Can you look at a tree and actually appreciate it's physical beauty? Can you come up with an actual rational plan?
Jen: Oh...
me: I love and appreciate all these things about you. You're the eye in the center of the storm. and I love a lady who retains an awesome laywer.
Jen: *giggles*
me: You also made me completely rethink blowjobs.
Jen: *Laughter* okay, you can stop complimenting me. *she sits on my lap* Instead, you can earn another blowjob.
me: Gladly.