Let me elaborate. I work in transportation and logistics. Translation, I run a bunch of trucking operations that deliver to major retailers and distributors throughout the southeast United States. My job is highly stressful and just generally annoying in our high demand "I want my stuff, and I want it right now!" society. I like it okay and I've been doing it a long time, but its not my passion or anything. Much like a lot of other people I know, it's just something I fell into and was really good at so here I am. It does not really fit my personality much, and if you saw me at work and then in my private life you probably would not believe it was the same person. That being said it gets particularly bad around the holidays. Everybody gets demanding and pushy asking the impossible. I have to make my employees work away from their families to meet the demand, much like my boss does to me. It really gets to me from a moral stand point because I hate having to do it to my employees and it forces me to make everyone below me work extra hard to feed the materialistic greed I so despise in my culture. I don't really care about myself as much but just feel like a dick making everyone else do it.Makes me really feel like I am servicing the wrong master. It's the reason I despise so intensely these after holiday shopping holidays we have invented here in the states.. black Friday etc. All this combines to just put me in a generally nasty mood.
Anyone who reads this I hope you take away this. If you have a chance to be with your family and friends this holiday season don't miss out on it. There are a lot of us who don't, and remember the next time you are shopping on Christmas Eve or Black Friday or any of the other crappy holidays to the almighty dollar that have been invented, that as long as you support them people will be made to service them. just a thought.